Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Development of Tourism Around Certain Key Wildlife Species Can Be Problematic. Evaluate Strategies Which Are Used, Around the World, to Seek a Working Balance in the Nature-People Relationship?

9. The development of tourism around certain key wildlife species can be problematic. Evaluate strategies which are used, around the world, to seek a working balance in the Nature-People relationship? Tourism is the world’s largest industry with nature-based ecotourism seeing rapid growth since its initial arrival in the 1980s. It is estimated by the World Tourism Organisation that nature tourism generates 7% of all international travel expenditure (Lindberg, 1997) and this figure will have increased rapidly over recent years.It’s increase in popularity is due to a number of factors; tourists becoming increasingly bored of the typical sun, sea and sand holiday’s, the increase in global awareness or environmental issues such as global warming, deforestation and conservation efforts. Ecotourism has the ability through its economic benefits to increase conservation, improve the economic well-being of local communities and national governments and educate people on t he threats facing fragile environments around the world. However, ecotourism is not without its drawbacks and ill-managed and uncontrolled tourism can impact badly on wildlife and protected areas.In this assignment I will aim to look at the relationship between people and ecotourism and analyse the benefits and weaknesses that they both have on each other. The most prominent thing which springs to mind with regard to nature tourism for most people would be safaris in Africa aiming at spotting the ‘Big 5’ (African Elephant, Black Rhinoceros, Cape Buffalo, Lion & Leopard). The term was originally coined by hunters but now it is applied widely in tourism. ‘Africans safaris are one of the fastest growing segments of the travel market’ (Wildlife Travel, 2006).Approximately 8% of Kenya is protected National Parks and reserves and these areas are responsible for generating millions of pounds annually for the treasury, and literally thousands of Kenyans are employe d in the wildlife-based tourism industry throughout the country (Sindiga, 1999). This means that many parts of Africa have been able to develop a sustainable part of the economy based around protecting and conserving the animals which they have for tourists benefit as opposed to in the past, where the predominant form of tourism was in hunting these animals.However now the money received from tourism can be used to increase conservation efforts and aid breeding programs and the rehabilitation of neglected animals. However, in some instances the companies which run the safaris have their headquarters located in other more economically developed countries therefore the money raised by the African land leaves the host country to other countries and therefore it is not helping Africa become more economically developed.The most distinguished nature reserve in Africa is the Masai Mara Nature Reserve in Kenya. Tourist accommodation first started being developed after the reserve was gazett ed in 1963. The initial effort enforced by the reserve to ensure the animals are not disturbed and parks preserved whilst tourists visit them is issuing all visitors and guides with a printed leaflet outlining the regulations which must be abided by whilst in the reserve and these are listed in figure 1.Infringement of these regulations carries a $25 fine, although it is rarely applied (Wildlife and People, 1999) †¢ No off-road driving. †¢ No following of animals. †¢ Minimum approach distance of 20m to an animal. †¢ Limit of five vehicles at any one viewing. †¢ Limit of 10 minutes viewing when other vehicles are waiting to view. †¢ Maximum speed limit of 50km/hr. †¢ No deliberate use of noise to distract wildlife. †¢ No leaning out of vehicles (except roof hatches) and no getting out of vehicles. †¢ No dropping litter. †¢ No pets. †¢ No starting fires. Figure 1A study conducted to see how many visitors broke these rules suggeste d that regulations were broken in over 90% of cases, with the main infringement being too many vehicles around animals and driving too close to the animals (Wildlife and people, 2003). Obviously, it is very hard to enforce these rules as guides and tourists want to get the closest possible encounter due to them having to forgo large amounts of financial expenditure for the experience and in the guides opinion the happier a visitor is the more likely they are to receive repeat business in the future or positive word of outh advertising. Also the increasing number of vehicles in safari parks increases pollution and can cause a distraction for hunting animals and disturb the prey which they are stalking as these animals have adapted their hunting tactics over thousands of years and they now have a relatively new factor to adapt to. However, in some instances the vehicles can be beneficial as for the cheetah who have been known to jump up on the roofs of vehicles in order to get a bette r view of where there prey is. Big Cat Week, 2010) Construction of tourist facilities may increase the amount of jobs available to local people however it does also mean that more land is lost for natural habitats and although it is a necessary harm which is needed to increase economic activity there are few regulations on how much land can be used for new buildings and the removal of vegetation can increase soil erosion (Safariholidays 2011).Africa has a very delicate eco system which is highly vulnerable to drought and famine so although the benefits of tourism mean increasing sustainability in the long run it must be ensured that the locals receive some of the benefits because it is their land which is being developed for the benefits of tourists.This is heightened by the fact about the large amounts of water is used during tourism activities whether it be for regular showers which westerners are accustomed to or filling numerous swimming pools up continuously to counter the effe cts of evaporation due to the fact that water is a scarce commodity in many parts of Africa and tourists are consuming large amounts of it taking it away from the animals and people who depend on it.The safari industry also helps to improve the relationship between local farmers and big cats such as cheetahs due to the fact that farmers will kill animals which prey on the herds, normally out of desperation due to the fact that they are considered a pest however increasing awareness of how other local residents depend on the survival of the big cats for tourism has lead more farmers to report incidents of attacks to reserves and safaris as opposed to laying out meat laced with poison.On a different side of things which focuses more on the illegal benefits made from poaching animals eco-tourism now exists in Madagascar where adventurers pay local guides to lead tour groups through reserves, finding and pointing out the rare and hard-to-spot species of wildlife which the tourists have come to see. The guides track the animals every day and therefore have a better understanding of where to find them at different times.This is a very effective tourism as it puts money directly into the locals peoples pockets and there is no middle men in the process so much so that it can worth while to prevent other local residents from hunting the animals concerned or cutting trees for firewood. (Ralf Buckley, 2010 page 50). This is a perfect job for many local residents who have extensive knowledge of the jungle through growing up their with many people getting a large amount of their meat through before hunting in the jungle can now receive an alternate way to make money through hosting guides.However, it could be suggested that the money received from tourism is not enough to sustain locals due to the face that one individual involved in wild life tourism in Madagascar was involved in poaching wildlife for the black market and also claimed to be able to guide tourist groups to sightings of two rare Madagascar endemic species; the tomato frog and the aye-aye lemur. In which it is reported that suspicion that the animals were captive animals placed in sports shortly before tourists arrival and then recaptured afterwards (Ralf Buckley, 2010, page 51).This is obviously very stressful for the animals involved and the tourists are unknowingly funding a harmful form of tourism however without the proper regulation in place to ensure tour guides are responsible there is no easy way of stopping this as tourists are always going to be attracted to guides who promise to show tourists guaranteed sightings of rare species of animals. As at the moment it would seem some ‘guides’ are taking advantage of the animals they are suppose to help to protect.In conclusion I would say that eco-tourism is constantly moving forward, having switched from mainly hunting in Africa in the 1960’s to now numerous sustainable Safaris all over Africa and with complete ly new eco-tourism destinations, such as Madagascar becoming more and more popular helping the country develop a whole new economy through the emergence of eco-tourism. There are obviously faults in the industry, just like most other industries.The main one in Africa would be the fact that much of the money raised by the host countries leaves to western countries and the local people see little benefit from having their land developed for tourism and preserved for the safety of animals as if this land was not used in this way it would most likely be used by the local people for some form of farming. The main thing which needs to change now is for the distribution of wealth to be more fair and even between the companies and the local people.And it would seem the main disadvantage for Madagascar being the lack of regulation, which enables corruption within the industry. 1505 words References Lindberg, K. , Furze. , Staff, M. , Black, R. (1997) Ecotourism in the Asia-Pacific Region: Is sues and Outlook. Burlington, VT. The International Ecotourism Society. Ian Proctor. (2006). â€Å"Is an African Safari Safe? â€Å". Available: http://www. wildlifetravel. net/african%20safari%20advice. htm. Last accessed 20/03/2012. n/a. (2011). Negative Impacts of Safari Tourism. Available: http://safariholidays. ikispaces. com/Disadvantages+of+Safari+tourism. Last accessed 20/03/2012. Ralf Buckley (2010). Conservation Tourism. Oxfordshire, England: CABI Pulishing. page 51. Sindiga, I. (1999) Tourism and African Development: change and challenge of tourism in Kenya. African Studies Centre, Lieden. Walpole, M. J. , Karanja, G. G. , Sitati, N. W.. (2003). Wildlife and People: Conflict & Conservation in Masai Mara, Kenya. Available: http://www. peopleandwildlife. org. uk/publications/CONFLICT%20w_and_p_masaimara. pdf. Last accessed 22. 03. 2012.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Reflection Using The Gibb’s Reflective Cycle model Essay

In order to help me with my reflection I have chosen Gibbs (1988), as the model to help guide my reflective process. This model comprises of a process that helps the individual look at a situation and think about their thoughts and feelings at the time of the incident. Reflective skills help us to think about what could have been done, so that if a similar situation occurs again the experience gained can be used to deal with the situation in a professional manner (Palmer et al 1997). To enable me to use this situation for my reflection the patient will be referred to as â€Å"James†. This is in order that his real name is protected and that confidentially maintained in line with the An Bord Altranais Code of Professional Conduct (2000). James, a seventeen year old boy was admitted with a fractured wrist who suffers with schizophrenia. Jame’s condition caused him to have delusions and hallucinations which made him act inappropriately towards other patients and staff. He found it hard to relax and paced the ward a lot. James constantly needed reassurance and would ask other patients and staff if he was all right. His questioning involved wanting to know if he was in trouble and if his eye balls were ok. Everyone would reply to his questions by saying: â€Å"yes James you are all right, your eyeballs are fine and no you are not in any trouble‟, but this was not enough, you also had to give the â€Å"thumbs up† as well to assure him that he was fine. When James became agitated he would act out by kicking people. Due to his small size and light weight, the kick was usually light and didn’t hurt but sometimes it had strength in it. This acting out led me to question my preceptor if James’s kicking was behavioural or part of the illness and why it hadn’t been dealt with. My preceptor relayed to me that the nurses had used various techniques including behavioural therapy to stop James’s kicking but nothing had worked. Doctors had also tried a number of different drugs to help James with his schizophrenia but nothing had worked for him there either. He had been taking Clozaril for a few months but it was not doing anything for his psychotic symptom s. James was even sent to the Maudsley hospital in England (a world leader in psychiatry research) to see if they could help him or if they had any ideas that could help him in his treatment but experts were mystified with him there also. Mealtimes were a very difficult process with James. If he could get away with it, he would never eat. He would play around with his food, smell it, ask if it was poisoned and ask various  questions to distract the nurse from what he or she was trying to do (which was trying to get James to eat). It was a very tedious task for the nurse in charge of him that day to get him to eat. The nurses always handled it professionally and with a lot of patience. Usually by the end of the meal James had eaten almost half of it and so would also have to drink a fortisip later to make up for his lack of dietary intake. One evening after a long and tiring day, the nurse in charge of James was busy and I was put in charge of him eating his dinner. As usual the task was very hard and James didn’t seem to take me very serious. I tried to emulate what I had seen the other nurses do but James would hardly touch his food. He even began spitting out his food on the plate and this really disgusted me. I tried not to let him know what I was thinking and behave like a professional. I also tried to encourage him by saying â€Å"come on now James, just a little bit more â€Å"and he did the usual by trying to distract me and asking questing like â€Å"Am I dead, I’ve no eyes†, but I wasn’t having it. This process went on for what seemed like an eternity and I was beginning to get very frustrated. I finally said to him, â€Å"if you don’t eat your food, I’m goanna have to feed you like a little baby†. I then took his fork, scooped up some food and held it in front of him. I then said â€Å"now open your mouth†. It was then that it finally dawned on me what I was doing and I immedia tely stopped. I was filled with embarrassment as I realised the implications of my actions. I glanced around at the other tables to see if the other nurses and patients had seen or heard me, but they had not. I felt very glad that no one had witnessed my actions but also very ashamed of myself for what I had done. James didn’t seem very bothered by me and carried on with his questions. I was glad he didn’t seem angry or upset by what I had said but I also wondered if my actions had an effect on his unconscious feelings. When I had first saw James I was very intimidated and a little scared of him because he was very confrontational and tended to lash out. What was good about this experience was that I had finally gotten over my fear of him. By challenging him to eat, I felt more assertive and empowering. Kilkus (1993) claims that using assertive behaviour in nursing, empowers the nurse and is an invaluable component in the profession. The negative side to this incident was that I became too forceful and domineering. By saying to him â€Å"I’m goanna have to feed you like a little baby† was very sarcastic of me  and subconsciously I was even mocking him. It also could have made James associate food with negative feelings and that would have set the nurses back in their progress with getting him to eat. Jacobsson et al (2004) asserts that food psychologically, can be associated with positive feelings of well-being and comfort or it can be associated with negative feelings of sorrow or b urden. Although James did not react to what I had said, this did not mean he did not comprehend it. It is common for schizophrenia sufferers to appear as though they have a lack of feelings. This is so, due to damaged pathways connecting the brain to facial expressions. Although it is possible that these feelings cannot be expressed, emotions are felt inside (Kring et al. 1993). James may not have understood the underlying meaning of what I was saying to him but we as human beings can convey and relate to others through expressions, gestures and body language. Whether one comprehends what you are saying or not, one can understand what you are really saying by how you hold yourself, showing how you feel and sometimes what you are thinking (Kozier et al. 2004). James often had trouble communicating what he wanted to say, which is a common aspect of the illness (Kring et al. 1993), and would often throw out words that made no sense to us. Sometimes he would talk about something that meant something else entirely different, for instance he might say; â€Å"Am I dead, I’ve no eyes† but would mean â€Å"I am worried about something†. Only the other nurses would know what he meant as they had experience with James over time. That evening while trying to get James to eat, he said â€Å"Am I dead, I’ve no eyes† and I took it as one of his usual ramblings that meant nothing. I should not have taken it at face value and tried to understand where it was coming from. If I am to become an effective nurse in the future I must have good communication skills with my patients. Only through good communication skills will I be able to establish the patient’s usual forms of communication and social interactions and identify any difficulties the patient may be experiencing. I must also learn how to treat the patient as an individual with their own individual needs and concerns (Taylor et al. 200 8).By saying to James â€Å"I’m goanna have to feed you like a little baby† was very belittling of me. Perhaps a subconscious part of me was annoyed by his disease and I just did not want to deal with it. Eventually, when I become a staff nurse I will have to deal with psychiatric patients, and so I must learn to be open to the  patient (whether they have schizophrenia, Bipolar or any other psychiatric illness) by not having any prejudicial thoughts or perceptions. I must learn to show acceptance and respect (Browne, 1993). I was feeling very tired that evening and so because I was tired, I was probably a little irritable as well. Due to the way I felt and having the tedious task of getting James to eat, I may have acted in a way that I would not have, if I had not been tired. How nurses feel when they are tired may negatively impact their judgment and increase patient errors (Townsend &Anderson, 2009).Once I am a qualified staff nurse I am sure there will be days where I will be feeling very tired but that does not mean using the way I feel as a means to justify my actions. I must be a professional at all times, tired or not. Nursing is a professional practice that is constantly ev olving (Fasoli, 2010), and I as a nurse must act as a professional if I am to succeed in the profession. As a student nurse I need try to understand why James did not want to eat. One of the telltale signs of people with schizophrenia disorders is a deterioration in self-care skills. Individuals with the illness may not be interested in eating, may distrust the food and/or maybe too busy to eat or take care of themselves (Brooking et al. 1996). I was not taking this into consideration when I was trying to get him to eat his dinner. As a novice in the nursing profession, I could put this incident down to inexperience (Benner,1984). I could also put this experience down to bad judgement and bad communication skills on my behalf. Communication is not only the foundation of humanity but it is also the most crucial aspect of nurse-patient interactions (Taylor et al. 2008). I should not have tried to force James to eat. I should have kept trying to convince him to eat in a positive and understanding way (just like how I saw his nurse do before). By forcing James to eat I acted like a bully an d could have subconsciously made him associate eating with negative feelings (Jacobsson et al. 2004). I also could have shown more patience and empathy towards James. As a student nurse I must have patience and empathy for patients and also be sensitive to the patient’s psychological needs (Scully & Dallas, 2005). If this situation were to happen again, I would first examine my self-awareness. According to Bulman & Schutz, (2004, p.29) â€Å"Self-awareness may be described as the foundation skill upon which reflective practice is built†. It enables the nurse to view themselves in a specific situation and monitor what effect he  or she has on the situation and what effect the situation is having on him or her. Nurses with a healthy self-awareness are likely to have a positive effect on patient care. Having a good sense of self-awareness is also necessary for creating therapeutic relationships with one’s patients. As a student nurse I must also learn to communicate to the patient with knowledge and awareness in order to strive for the best for them. Through self- awareness I would have realised that I was tired and kept in mind not to let it have a negative effect on the patient. This is also another way to describe â€Å"reflection in action†. It is whereby the practitioner recognises a situation or problem and thinks about it while still carrying out an action (Schon, 1987). Also if this situation were to happen again I would remember what I had learned by my previous experience. My experience with James has taught me a lot about self-awareness, communicating effectively, empathy, patience, having a comprehension of the patient’s illness, respect, empowerment, not putting my feelings before the patients and staying positive. When this incident occurred I wanted to bury my head under the sand and wish that it never happened, but now I am grateful that it did happen because it gave me an opportunity to look deeper into the situation and deeper into myself. Using the Gibb’s Reflective Cycle model (Gibbs, 1988), has helped me to analyse what took place and examine my own insight and take on what happened. This experience was a learning curv e for me as a novice and it will be beneficial to my learning experience as I have many learning needs as a student nurse. I know realise that only through experience and reflection will I be able to learn from them(Benner, 1984).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Call of the Wild Book

He is disciplined by the Law of Club and Fang. The man in the red sweater takes Buck out of the cage and repeatedly beats him. Buck continues to try to attack until he is to week to fight. He then learns the law of Club and Fang. Buck is sold and put on a sled team. He learns to dig a hole in the snow to stay warm. He has a fierce rivalry with the lead dog Spitz. Spitz then kills one of Buck’s best friends Curly by ripping Curly’s face up. Buck ends up having multiple fights with Spitz. One of which where Spitz takes Buck sleeping hole and tries to keep it. Spitz gets whipped and sent back to his own hole. Buck and Spits end up in a fight in which Buck is determined to kill Spitz and end the rivalry for good. He then does what he was determined to do and kills Spitz. Buck then takes the lead dog position and gains trust from his team. The team is then taken over by Hal, Charles, and Mercedes. They are amateur sled runners and don’t quite know what they are doing. They end up shooting a dog (Dave), because he was too weak to go on. Buck then leads the team into John Thornton’s little camp setup. Hal was advised by John not to go across the ice but he decides to do it anyway. Hal starts beating Buck and John Thornton threatens to kill him with his rifle. John then takes Buck to be his own. They all fall through, including the team. They are killed and John takes care of Buck, the only survivor. Buck then saves john Thornton’s life a couple times. John and Buck develop a special bond. John decides to search for gold. Buck is in part of a bet made by john Thornton that says he can pull a sled with a fairly large amount of weight. Buck then shocks everybody and pulls the sled 100 yards and wins John Thornton $1000 ($1600 in the book). John is out in the search of gold. He comes across a Yeehat tribe and builds up hate for them. Buck scares away the Yeehats once. They the com back later and kill John Thornton by shooting him with a bow and arrow. Buck then kills multiple Yeehats out of anger. He is then left with the decision to live by himself in the wild. Differences In the movie, Buck was never sold to Francois and Perrault. He was never a part of their team and he did not steal any bacon from Francois. In the movie, Buck started out going to John Thornton’s team, stolen by Black Burtons bandits, claimed by a dog auctioneer, sold to Hal and his crew, brought across Johns Thornton’s camp and is returned to him. Buck was never sold from Francois and Perrault to a Scotch half-breed man that was very hairy. It did not tell the names of other dogs in the movie. In my eyes, the movie portrayed John Thornton’s friend, Pete, more than in the book. In the movie John Thornton is attracted to a girl at a bar. A man named Black Burton doesn’t like John so he has his team stolen by some of his thugs. They then take the team to a town. On the way a man falls down a hill and is killed. When the dogs get to the town, the only guy left on the sled is frozen solid and killed. A man then claims the dogs on the spot and auctions them off to Hal, Charles, and Mercedes. They plan to take the team to Dawson city (where John Thornton is). On the way a dog (Dave) is shot by Hal because he can’t go on. They come across John Thornton’s camp. John takes Buck back and the others drowned. John then takes more care of buck and heals him up. The book stated that Buck had killed a Moose by wearing it out and then attacking it. That never happened in the movie. In the book, Mad Dolly was a dog that raged and tried to kill Buck. The movie showed Mad Dolly as a horse. The movie shows more dialect and perspective of john Thornton rather than Buck. It made the movie almost more about John than it did about Buck. John and Buck found a cabin in the woods that had a gun in it that said E. K. W. on it. That wasn’t in the book. Because of all of the similarities and differences that I have written, I believe that the book was way better than the movie. The movies didn’t have much anything that was the same in the book. The worst part was that it left me guessing about who E. K. W. was. It didn’t even give a hint about who he or she was. That should not ever happen in a movie. Call of the Wild Book He is disciplined by the Law of Club and Fang. The man in the red sweater takes Buck out of the cage and repeatedly beats him. Buck continues to try to attack until he is to week to fight. He then learns the law of Club and Fang. Buck is sold and put on a sled team. He learns to dig a hole in the snow to stay warm. He has a fierce rivalry with the lead dog Spitz. Spitz then kills one of Buck’s best friends Curly by ripping Curly’s face up. Buck ends up having multiple fights with Spitz. One of which where Spitz takes Buck sleeping hole and tries to keep it. Spitz gets whipped and sent back to his own hole. Buck and Spits end up in a fight in which Buck is determined to kill Spitz and end the rivalry for good. He then does what he was determined to do and kills Spitz. Buck then takes the lead dog position and gains trust from his team. The team is then taken over by Hal, Charles, and Mercedes. They are amateur sled runners and don’t quite know what they are doing. They end up shooting a dog (Dave), because he was too weak to go on. Buck then leads the team into John Thornton’s little camp setup. Hal was advised by John not to go across the ice but he decides to do it anyway. Hal starts beating Buck and John Thornton threatens to kill him with his rifle. John then takes Buck to be his own. They all fall through, including the team. They are killed and John takes care of Buck, the only survivor. Buck then saves john Thornton’s life a couple times. John and Buck develop a special bond. John decides to search for gold. Buck is in part of a bet made by john Thornton that says he can pull a sled with a fairly large amount of weight. Buck then shocks everybody and pulls the sled 100 yards and wins John Thornton $1000 ($1600 in the book). John is out in the search of gold. He comes across a Yeehat tribe and builds up hate for them. Buck scares away the Yeehats once. They the com back later and kill John Thornton by shooting him with a bow and arrow. Buck then kills multiple Yeehats out of anger. He is then left with the decision to live by himself in the wild. Differences In the movie, Buck was never sold to Francois and Perrault. He was never a part of their team and he did not steal any bacon from Francois. In the movie, Buck started out going to John Thornton’s team, stolen by Black Burtons bandits, claimed by a dog auctioneer, sold to Hal and his crew, brought across Johns Thornton’s camp and is returned to him. Buck was never sold from Francois and Perrault to a Scotch half-breed man that was very hairy. It did not tell the names of other dogs in the movie. In my eyes, the movie portrayed John Thornton’s friend, Pete, more than in the book. In the movie John Thornton is attracted to a girl at a bar. A man named Black Burton doesn’t like John so he has his team stolen by some of his thugs. They then take the team to a town. On the way a man falls down a hill and is killed. When the dogs get to the town, the only guy left on the sled is frozen solid and killed. A man then claims the dogs on the spot and auctions them off to Hal, Charles, and Mercedes. They plan to take the team to Dawson city (where John Thornton is). On the way a dog (Dave) is shot by Hal because he can’t go on. They come across John Thornton’s camp. John takes Buck back and the others drowned. John then takes more care of buck and heals him up. The book stated that Buck had killed a Moose by wearing it out and then attacking it. That never happened in the movie. In the book, Mad Dolly was a dog that raged and tried to kill Buck. The movie showed Mad Dolly as a horse. The movie shows more dialect and perspective of john Thornton rather than Buck. It made the movie almost more about John than it did about Buck. John and Buck found a cabin in the woods that had a gun in it that said E. K. W. on it. That wasn’t in the book. Because of all of the similarities and differences that I have written, I believe that the book was way better than the movie. The movies didn’t have much anything that was the same in the book. The worst part was that it left me guessing about who E. K. W. was. It didn’t even give a hint about who he or she was. That should not ever happen in a movie.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Implications for Defence Managers and Commanders of the Findings of Research Paper

Implications for Defence Managers and Commanders of the Findings of Zimbardos Stanford Prison Experiment - Research Paper Example Take one prisoner as an example; he is kept inside a closed room with only one opening ornamented with hard iron rods but, what happens when one good human being is put in an evil place Does humanity win over evil, or does evil triumphs "A prison is any situation in which one person's freedom and liberty are denied by virtue of the arbitrary power exercised by another person or group. Thus our prisons of concrete and steel are really only metaphors for the social prisons we create and maintain through enforced poverty, racism, sexism, and other forms of social injustice." (Committee on the Judiciary, 114) The above quote is what Dr. Philip Zimbardo, a Ph. D. in Psychology from Stanford University derived from his famous Stanford Prison Experiment. The Stanford prison experiment was a psychological study of "human responses to captivity and its behavioral effects on both authorities and inmates in prison". The experiment was conducted in 1971 in Palo Alto, California by a team of researchers led by psychologist Philip Zimbardo at Stanford University. As per the scheduled plan, voluntary participants were recruited via a newspaper ad and offered $15 a day to participate in a two-week "prison simulation." An astonishing number of 75 students responded. The applicants were interviewed and tested "to eliminate candidates with psychological problems, medical disabilities, or a history of crime or drug abuse" (Stanford Prison Experiment website). Twenty-four students from the U.S. and Canada, a group of healthy, intelligent, middle-class males, were considered for the experiment and were promised of $15/day. They were divided into two groups, to act as guards and prisoners. A former prisoner who had served nearly seventeen years behind bars served as the consultant. A prison was constructed in the basement of Stanford's Psychology Department building, To create prison cells, doors were taken off some laboratory rooms and replaced by specially made doors with steel bars and cell numbers. Bars on cells were put in place and had three prisoners living in small quarters night and day. A small closet, about two feet wide and two feet deep was constructed to act as "The Hole" for solitary confinement. The local police co-operated in sweeping through the town, picking up suspects who were actually the selected volunteers, they were put into a car, driven to the Stanford county jail for further processing and subsequently brought to the make-shift jail. The prisoners were each searched, stripped naked, and deloused. The prisoner has then issued a uniform. The main part of this uniform was a dress, or smock, which each prisoner wore at all times with no underclothes. On the smock, in front, and in the back, was his prison ID number. On each prisoner's ri ght ankle was a heavy chain, bolted on and worn at all times. Rubber sandals were the footwear, and each prisoner covered his hair with a stocking cap made from a woman's nylon stocking. The entire experiment was recorded and videotaped. The guards weren't given any specific training; they made up their own rules upon supervision of Warden David Jaffe, an undergraduate from Stanford University. They were dressed in identical uniforms of khaki, carried a whistle and a billy club borrowed from the police.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Life Insurance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Life Insurance - Research Paper Example , n.d.). The need for life insurance arises to obtain a form of financial protection against accidental incidents or deaths for which individuals are not always prepared. If insurance is ready, through payments of the premiums, then in cases of accidental deaths or incidents, individuals can be insured. Life insurances provide benefits for deaths or critical illnesses, for financial interests of individuals and family, for insurances at different stages of life, plans for retirements, loan facilities, as well as with benefits of tax payments (Why life insurance?, n.d.). The two main types of insurance are the whole life insurance and term life insurance where the whole life insurance offers for permanent insurance and term life insurance offers for insurance for certain terms or period of time (Magni, 2013). The present study discusses about life insurance with particular focus on the differences between whole life insurance and term life insurance and trying to determine which is be tter, also having an understanding of the relationship of the insurance with economic situation. II. Discussion: Term Life Insurance: Meaning: Term life insurance is defined as the policy of life insurance whose coverage period for the insurance has a set duration limit. On expiry of the policy the owner of the policy can decide on either renewing the policy or to end the coverage of the insurance plan. The benefits associated with such insurances are mainly limited up to the death of the policy owner. However in order to obtain the benefits of the plan, the death of the owner is necessary to occur within the time limit set by the term life insurance. If such time limit is passed and nothing happens to the individual, the owner does not receive any benefits from the insurance. Thus term life insurance do not provide with any savings from the investments that the policy owner makes for the insurance (Term Life Insurance, 2013). Universal Policy of Life Insurance: The universal policy of life insurance reflects that a flexible permanent life insurance is offered to the owner of the policy that requires the individual to make low cost protection payments to the insurer and also in turn obtains a savings from the insurance plan. Thus a cash value buildup is possible with the investment of this type of insurance. With the universal policy of life insurance, the owner of the policy is capable of using his interest that he gains from his savings in order to pay the premiums for the insurance. The universal policy of life insurance was initiated considering the need for more flexibility for the owners of the policy as the policy allows shifting of the invested money between the insurance and the savings from the plans. Premiums of these plans are variable and are divided into insurance and savings by the companies offering the insurances. Thus the owner of the policies is allowed to make adjustments between their payments depending upon the different circumstances tha t they belong to (Universal Life Insurance, 2013). Thus the most essential benefit of the universal policy of life insurance is its flexibility along with the permanent insurance it offers to the policy owners. It enables the policy owners to adjust depending upon their needs and conditions. Based on the policy, an interest is earned from the cash value of the insurance. This interest is based on the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Development of Europe during 1500-1795 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Development of Europe during 1500-1795 - Essay Example This development is the result of many important variables. To start with, Politics during that period matured in this period. Europe has witnessed a shift towards the democracy and the rule of people in the region. However, this was the result of strong scientific and artistic developments that took place in Europe during that era which helped mature the politics of the region. Religion was probably the weakest link in that era which contributed towards the development of Europe during that era as religion was more or less denounced and a new shift towards the religious consciousness took place which mostly rejected the traditional view of the religion within the region as there were strong religious movements from inquisitions to Calvinism, Europe burned under the wrath of religion however, this only fueled the hatred against religious authorities in the region rather than embracing them. However, the biggest contribution to the development of Europe came from its economic development. Industrial revolution in the region changed the way European Society tends to live. Right from changing the way governance were done to the very fabric of life Europe. As discussed above that the trade on the Atlantis taking place provided Europe a great opportunity to flourish and develop. The invention of steam engines provided the quickest mode to transport besides other industrial development increased the production capacities of the major industrial hubs of the region including England, France, Portugal, Spain and The Netherlands. It is because of this reason that it is often argued that the development of Europe is mainly is the development of above mentioned countries. (Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson) All other forces which seems to have contributed to the development of Europe have probably emerged out of the industrial revolution and economic development in the region. The subsequent economic

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Film Analysis on Product Development (of the film Kinky Boots) Essay

Film Analysis on Product Development (of the film Kinky Boots) - Essay Example Showing him wearing rubber shoes on his way to London signifies his lack of enthusiasm for the shoe production business. His relocation, together with his fiancà ©e, was to his liking as he wants to get away from his family’s business as soon as possible. But the unexpected death of his father forces him to move back to Northamptom and lay off his workers when he figured out there is no way for him to save the company. There was just not enough market for the shoes they are producing. The four generations that proudly carried on the tradition of Price & Sons over the years was on it last days when he entered the picture. Even his father was already set on selling the factory before his death. On an accidental meeting with drag queen Lola, Charlie was hit with an inspiration to create as he described it, â€Å"proper, good, decent, built-to-last boots† (Joel). As it was that men of their persuasion are forced to buy women’s shoes that are not sturdy enough to withstand the weight of a full size man. Drag queens have very specific needs and wants that women’s shoes do not have. The heels break and their feet would hurt as their weight is carried on their feet that are not supported with proper footwear. The brilliant idea of changing the product of Price & Sons hit Charlie and propelled him to do something to save his family’s company. â€Å"You exploit divergence to create a new category, and the expansion of that new category allows your brand to flourish† (Ries and Ries). This revolutionary marketing idea is one that was apparent in the movie ‘Kinky Boots.’ They were more than the first to take advantage of the marketing niche. They were able to create a new category that was distinguishably new in the shoe making industry. There was no other shoe company that specializes in selling shoes that are made for drag queens who prefer women’s design but are also be fabricated accordingly. With the concept, Charlie

To what extent can human resource policies and practices promote Essay

To what extent can human resource policies and practices promote gender equality - Essay Example the representation of women in management positions in firms across Europe reveals that gender equality is still a problem for businesses of all sizes. Moreover, it seems that the number of women in lower and middle management positions is gradually increased, in opposition with the top management positions, which are likely to be occupied by man (Stahl and Bjorkman 2006, p.506-507). In 2002, the percentage of firms that employ only men at lower and middle management positions was estimated to 44%, decreased from 1996 when the above percentage was 50% (European Business Survey 2002, in Stahl and Bjorkman 2006, p.506). The figures presented above denote the ineffectiveness of HRM to secure gender equality. At the next level, Stahl and Bjorkman (2006) note that the level at which HRM policies focus on gender equality is often depended on ‘the level at which women are represented in HRM’ (Stahl and Bjorkman 2006, p.507). In other words, in firms where the number of women wo rking in the HRM department is high, the promotion of gender equality is expected to be more intensive compared to firms that tend to employ men in their HRM department. In this context, HRM policies are likely to emphasize on gender equality mostly when female HR managers plan them, a fact that reveals the inability of modern firms to secure equality in the workplace. The potential use of HR policies for promoting gender equality is highlighted in the study of Durai (2010). Reference is made specifically to Infosys, a global firm in the area of IT consulting. The particular firm has promoted gender equality through an appropriately customized network, the Women Inclusivity Network, which ‘secures gender equality by mentoring women employees to take up challenging working assignments’ (Durai... Gender equality is still an important problem for organizations worldwide. The development of initiatives by the states and by international organizations, such as the United Nations, has helped towards the limitation of the problem. Still, the success of firms worldwide in promoting gender equality is rather low. The literature presented above has revealed that firms can choose among different policies for promoting gender equality. In this context, it would be expected that phenomena of gender equality in the workplace would be limited, a fact that has not been verified. The ‘Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)’ (Rao et al 2009, p.7) seems to be the key text initiating the elimination of inequality in the workplace. However, in practice, the promotion of gender equality in the workplace is often problematic, as explained above, mostly because the relevant initiatives are not adequately supported, at least not as other orga nizational plans. The need for the active support of these initiatives by the state is quite clear.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

English paper book write up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English paper book write up - Essay Example All this changes when he meets a wannabe thug named Cleveland, and they explore a darker side of Pittsburgh together. Without any real direction, Art decides to discover a more dangerous life than what he had previously known. Art, being the son of a gangster, feels unable to express his sexual confusions openly with his family. The novel centers on the struggles of the protagonist as he searches for ways to satisfy his own desires while living up to his father’s expectations. As we find in the book, this isn’t a possibility. The book handles the issues of the main character’s sexuality very plausibly. The reader can feel his frustration and see his confusion as he goes back and forth between heterosexual lovers and homosexual lovers. Many of the characters, in fact, seem to have an overwhelming sense of uncertainty, except for Phlox and her unsympathetic views of homosexuals. The book relies heavily on its setting to influence the mood of the book. Growing in Pittsburgh himself and attending the University of Pittsburgh, Chabon was right at home as he was describing his characters walking through Oakland, Shadyside, Squirrel Hill, amongst other locations. The industrious nature of the city also adds to the rather bleak nature. The â€Å"cloud factory,† one of the many factories of Pittsburgh, also plays an important role later on in the book. Set in the mid-80’s the characters are constantly making pop-culture references, perhaps as an ode to Andy Warhol’s pop art as Warhol was another Pittsburgh native. Chabon’s prose is very fluid, and the descriptions he gives of the city of Pittsburgh paints the city very vividly. The bleak landscape becomes very real for the reader. However, sometimes his penchant for creating interesting writing goes too far, and some of the dialogue between characters tends to be lofty and unrealistic. This can be a bit

Friday, August 23, 2019

HEB Grocery Store Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

HEB Grocery Store - Case Study Example It holds the largest market share in San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Austin. HEB is owned by the H.E. Butts since the commencement of the 21st century when it was established and is the major private company in the state of Texas. The H-E-B slogan possesses the same acronym as its slogan, which reads out, as â€Å"Here Everything is better†. To accomplish this, HEBN has committed itself to low prices, exceptional service, and friendly shopping. HEB has altered its marketing mix in accordance to the environment. Since the company is popular with Americans of Mexican origin, they carry many Mexican vegetables that might seem foreign to most Americans. HEB thrives on the unique skills and talents of its diverse, dedicated partners who embody their commitment to excellence and provide a strong, competitive advantage in the extremely competitive Texas market. One show of HEB’s internal strength is the consistently high ranking in industry magazines like Forbes and Progressi ve Grocer. The company’s long-standing support for charity has also grown a loyal base of customers. However, one of its major weaknesses is the demographical limitation as they mainly serve Texan towns. Externally, the company could look to increase its market share in towns outside Texas. They could also explore the opportunities from setting up shop in Mexico. The threats faced by HEB can all be tied to its numerous competitors, with Walmart a particularly fierce competitor. Various macro-environmental factors will affect the operations of HEB. These are economic factors like the economic crisis and technological ones too like social networking, which provides for a cheaper advertising platform. Additional factors are political and cultural in nature. HEB GROCERY STORE 1. Introduction & Background HEB Grocery Company is America’s fifteenth largest chain of grocery stores in terms of revenue, as well as being a market leader in Texas. It holds the largest market shar e in San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Austin. As the largest private company in the state of Texas, HEB is owned by the H.E. Butts since the beginning of the 20th century when it was founded. With 269 stores in operation, most of its business revolves around combination food and pharmacy stores (Plunkett, 2009). Approximately 90 of the stores are small sized pantry stores that boast low prices, are built for convenience purposes and are located between Southwest Louisiana and South east Texas’ rural area. Sixty of the stores feature Gas N Go gasoline self-service islands. HEB also runs stores in Mexico, on top of those in Louisiana and Texas. Among the many products that they process are fruit drinks, meat, tortillas, baked goods, ice cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, and milk. HEB also manufactures its own bottles and runs a photofinishing laboratory. The company does not have an official mission statement, although the H-E-B slogan, values, and commitments reveal t he daily mission that they are involved. The H-E-B slogan possesses the same acronym, which reads out, as â€Å"Here Everything is better†. To accomplish this, HEBN has committed itself to low prices, exceptional service, and friendly shopping. HEB has always believed that hard work is vital, as well as given extra attention to caring for their employees. Additionally, they have always dreamt big, hired great employees, offered the best customer service, as well as sold the safest and freshest product (Hylton &

Thursday, August 22, 2019

TQM in United Airlines Essay Example for Free

TQM in United Airlines Essay The notion of Total Quality Management has paved the way for many businesses to adapt to the ever changing demands of the market. Because of this principle, many large companies such as United Airlines have already involved TQM to back up their goals in maintaining superior customer satisfaction by providing the best product packages and services.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Why does an organization need to implement a customer targeted quality principle? Basically, the answer to this question will only divert in a single approach, to increase profitability. Of course, a business entity needs to strengthen its capacity to maintain a high level of business function. In order to do this, it should have at least a permanent group of client parameters which will support its operations for a long time. For a company, every aspect of its operations in the business primarily depends on how the customers influence its performance in the market share. That is why maintaining a group of customers longer than expected will sustain stability for the organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the aspect of maintaining a customer base, the company should know that it needs to involve the direct approach in satisfying the requests of the customers. It should be able to support the needs of the clients as well as to satisfy their demands for a good service. Apparently, an excellent form of customer satisfaction predicts the level of customer retention a company may achieve (Kotelnikov, 2008). If the customers get quality products and services, then most likely they will have a good relationship with the brand. Thus, the company will get credit for such attention and will be able to strengthen its grip in the market.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Essentially, TQM has long been implemented by companies which are involved in the service sectors. The main reason for this is that business owners know that customer satisfaction can help produce larger profit generations when they are fulfilled with the services they need. Of course, this does not only involve the delivery of services but the functional rendering of quality service. For United Airlines, the value of quality has a direct contribution on the perception of the customers towards how the company projects its image to the commercial market. This ideal has let the air company to implement certain measures that will help it achieve the overall client-based satisfaction for many years of its operations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For United Airlines, the company has implemented a strategic TQM principle to make way for full customer satisfaction for its services. Since the organization is involved in the service sector, it has delegated its approach to sustain a better condition of flights to all of its passengers. This goal intends to keep the airline company operate at the maximum levels of quality while capturing a large share of margins in the airline industry segment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In order to help the company structure its TQM aspect, it has defined a 12-point customer satisfaction system. This format was established to help the organization be reminded of what their primary goal is aside from profitability (United Airlines, 2008). The list contains the most significant approaches that United Airlines can complete for customer satisfaction principles. Lowest Airline Rate – United Airlines’ quality service does not come only in the aspect of direct physical interactions. It also provides an economic fundamental to achieve customer satisfaction. The company offers some of the lowest air fare rates to various destinations. This approach in quality management helps boost the company sales in terms of satisfying the clients about financial considerations. There are also special discounts and privileges for passengers who are going to buy airline tickets in bulk or during holiday seasons. This extends customer service in economical ways. Customer Information – As part of the TQM principle of UA, one very good approach of the company is to send important messages and info about the status of flight schedules. Of course, if something is predicted to become a delaying factor of the operations, then the passengers should be made aware of it in order for them to adjust personal schedules. This will give the clients a perception of reliability and become more confident of the airline’s operations. Baggage Delivery – United Airlines employ the service fundamentals of on time delivery of baggage for optimum customer satisfaction. The airline employs responsible and efficient staffs in order to take care of the passenger’s baggage for scheduled delivery per flight. Baggage Limit – in addition to baggage delivery, the company also provides a fair structure when it comes to identifying baggage limitation principles for each of its passengers. Reservations – The Company provides the option for the customers to have a seat reserved to them or to cancel it. This helps the customer to involve a thorough decision making approach about his trips. Ticket – In cases when seats are requested to be cancelled, the company also provides an option for its passengers to have a ticket refund. This can optimize the trust of the clients to the company as part of the customer satisfaction program. Special Passengers – One of the distinct quality management of United Airlines is its capability to accommodate passengers with varying needs. It is very likely that flight operations will attend to passengers with disabilities. In this aspect, the company has designated facilities and personnel who will cater to the needs of these special clients. Customer Needs – On the part of basic customer needs, the company also employs a service commitment to help passengers get the things they need. A refreshing on flight drink or a very good TV program on board are just some of the customer satisfaction service offerings. Customer Treatment – United Airlines also instructed its personnel to treat denied passengers with optimum respect. They are also provided with the information of the case why such acts are necessary based on the situation. Current Flight Info – The staff of the airline also makes it a point to disclose information about other flight concerns such as cancellation policies, itineraries and technical aircraft configurations. Coordination – The Company also employs the use of coordination techniques for regional operations so that it can easily manage customer service needs in very efficient ways. Since the company is involved in cross-continent operations, it is advantageous for it to have an open communications with airports and air facilities in different countries. This makes it possible for the company to customize its services based on passenger nationalities. Customer Inquiries – One last customer service principle of United Airlines is its direct, simple and timely response to customer questions and inquiries about the operations of the airline. As a matter of fact, it is one of the pioneers in the airline industry which enable their clients to ask questions using different channels such as telephone, internet and mobile phones.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For a company to maintain its optimal business operations, it should have the necessary capability to address the organization’s needs both internally and externally. In the internal matters, it would be appropriate to select a leadership who can inject principles towards quality management. This does not only involve schemes of profitability immediately in the market scope but should also address the long term possibility of growth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For United Airlines, the leadership principles employed by its administration has provided so many advantages for the organization. Because of the formulation of the 12-point customer satisfaction system, the admin was able to capture the true needs of the passengers when it comes to reliable and efficient airline operations. The leaders very well know that having a business in the service sector demands a direct approach towards the impressions of the clients. If they will receive a very good service with all the aspects of quality, then most likely they will get the worth of their money. And if they experience these benefits, then it is not impossible for them to stick with the company as their major airline service provider. In the light of economic recession, Airline customer satisfaction falls while one of the reasons can be attributed to customer satisfaction (Boston, 2008). However, with United Airline’s TQM principle, it is less likely to experience client related dilemmas.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Increasing the capability of the business towards economic strengthening goes beyond effective investment processes. Although it may be important to allocate the funds in the most diversified and profitable ways, the creation of TQM principles will ultimately predict how the organization will sustain long term market presence. In order for the business to flourish exponentially, it should always look at how its major clients will be affected with the use of business principles related to quality. References Boston. 2007. Airline customer satisfaction falls. Retrieved January 23, 2008 from Kotelnikov, V. 2008. Customer Satisfaction. Ten-3 Business E-coach. Retrieved January 23, 2008 from United Airlines. 2008. Customer Commitment. United Airlines Inc. Retrieved January 23, 2008 from,6722,1506,00.html.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Analysis of Ford, Toyota and General Motors

Analysis of Ford, Toyota and General Motors COMPETITOR’S ANALYSIS: Toyota motors: Toyota is Japans greatest auto organization and the second biggest on the planet after General Motors. The essential explanation behind Toyotas achievement in the worldwide commercial center hails from their corporate rationality, the set of standards and demeanor that administer the utilization of its assets. The Toyota logic is frequently called as the Toyota Production System. The framework depends to a limited extent on a human assets administration arrangement that animates representative imagination and unwaveringness additionally, on an exceedingly productive system of suppliers and parts producers. Much of Toyotas achievement on the planet markets might be ascribed specifically to the synergistic execution of its approaches in human assets administration and inventory network systems. The playing point of the Tesla auto organization is that it centers chiefly on the one product offering identifying with the electric charging. So there is no preoccupation of the organization t o create autos having being energized by petrol, diesel or gas. The pivotal reason behind Toyotas accomplishment in the overall business focus lies in its corporate rationale the set of standards and state of brain that speak to the usage of its benefits. A corporate rationale, in the articulations of Fred J. Borch, past CEO of General Electric, is the umbrella approach that helpers most of the decisions and activities of the affiliation. The Toyota discernment is consistently more generally known as the Toyota Production System (Competitive advantage the Toyota way). Associations outside surroundings includes both geographic components and social components. Area and assets are urgent geographic elements impacting both national and corporate victory, with populace aspects and institutional courses of action making up the most serious parts of the social components influencing both the achievement of firms and of countries The Tesla company also has a competitive advantage in the manufacture of the cars as it has been successful in producing cars having lowest center of gravity, which is the main source of their â€Å"5 star safety rating† in all cars’ categories. This is the main cause of the endurance of the Tesla’s products in the market whereas Toyota and other remote auto creators have effectively infiltrated the US showcase and secured far reaching vicinity by temperance of its benefit. Toyotas logic of engaging its laborers is the inside bit of a human assets administration framework that encourages inventiveness and advancement by empowering representative investment, and that in like manner incites abnormal amounts of worker unwaveringness (Toyota). The biggest strengths of the Tesla are its execution. The company’s S model is the proof of how the company is able to execute and secondly its ability to increase the production that boosts up the investors’ confidence manufacturers aspirations. According to the latest earning report of Tesla it has achieved operating margins that equals to 25% for 2014. Moreover the company guided to 28% operating margins in the same year however Toyota is exchanging at 0.6 times bargains. Portage wants to start 23 models comprehensively in 2014, which is without a doubt the most item starts in a year in its history. Accordingly, development could quicken and this serves as a colossal impetus into 2014. The revenue of the Tesla is 9.3% that of Toyota moreover Tesla has much higher gross profit of 25%. The gross profit percentage of Toyota is 18.7% (Toyota). Ford motors: It was established by Henry Ford and fused on June 16, 1903. The Ford Motor Company (otherwise called essentially Ford) is an American multinational automaker headquartered Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. It was established by Henry Ford and fused on June 16, 1903. The organization offers cars and business vehicles under the Ford brand and most extravagance autos under the Lincoln brand. Passage additionally claims Brazilian SUV producer, Troller, and execution auto maker FPV. In the past it has additionally transformed tractors and auto segments (Our Company). Ford is one of the biggest car makers on the planet. The organizations head auto brands incorporate Aston Martin, Ford, Lincoln, Mazda, Mercury and Volvo. The organization fabricates and conveys vehicles in over 200 businesses over six main lands. The organizations solid brand portfolio provides for it a huge preference. Return on equity indicates what amount of benefit an organization creates from shareholders cash. The return for equity champion around the automakers is Ford (F). Alternate automakers are not as compelling in changing over shareholder cash into benefit. Return on equity is a measure of administrations viability, so I see this as a paramount metric and preference for Fords proceeded victory. The profit for equity is computed by taking net salary and separating it by the shareholders equity. Being investors we can envision ourselves as one of the board parts on Shark Tank. In spite of the fact that we dont have almost to the extent that as the Shark Tank board parts, we can assess these organizations to figure out whether they deserve of our speculation cash. Portage is changing over 28.5% of shareholder cash into benefit. This multiplies the ROE of alternate automakers. This shows that speculators can trust in the work that CEO, Alan Mullaly and his group are doing from a business outlook. This administration group is getting the most excitement for its speculators hard earned money. The administration adequacy is eventually reflected in the outperformance of Fords stock cost as contrasted with its rivals (Ford Vs. Tesla Which Stock Should You Buy?, 2013). After a remarkable year in 2013, shares of Ford (NYSE: F) dropped lower by almost 8% once the organizations 2014 standpoint was exhibited.Consistent with Ford CFO Bob Shanks, the organizations pretax profit in 2014 will be lower than in 2013. The organization refers to various purposes behind this absence of change, incorporating unanticipated government activity in developing markets, item reviews, and likewise an annuity commitment support. Elon Musk launched Tesla motors after 100 years when Ford Motors started but recently Ford motors has become the laggard. From investors point of view Tesla has a far higher esteem.Tesla has a lack of operational history in comparison with Ford and that might be the biggest strength in short term because the engineers start to work from a blank slate but from other point of view it can be a greatest risk in long-term as Ford has survived in every economic climate. Talking about the shares of the Ford they are valued on the basis of the companyâ €™s journey and where it stands now where as Tesla is judged from the perspective of future standing (SWOT analysis of Ford). Client unwaveringness will dependably be an exceptionally paramount pressure indicator of car bargains victory, said Jeffrey Anderson, executive of counseling and dissection for Experian Automotive. Portage has created greatly devoted clients over an extensive variety of vehicles. That consistency crosswise over its product offering has helped vault Fords unwaveringness rankings past its adversaries in our most recent study. Investors are paying great willingness to invest in Tesla as its sales are likely to increase from $400 million to more than $2billion. Mercedes Benz was second with 43.7 percent, which is a noteworthy build over the past quarter when they came in ninth spot with 34.6 percent. Talking about Tesla its supporters are watching the 10 year ramp of revenue as the entrance of sedan in 2017 which will have a moderate price in the mainstream market. General motors’: General Motors is the second greatest vehicles collecting association on the planet. They have divisions all far and wide that give plans and parts to each other. By offering parts and plans all far and wide, GM has the capability further reinforcing expansion a favorable luck over their opponents by saving on arrangement bunches. They similarly use economy of scales to cut down their liability on their parts. Entry motors gained the system that allowed it low taking care of expense by cutting all the excessive upkeep included in these operations. The goliath use on unrefined materials was slashed down and the web collecting strategy was introduced that focus on the change of automobiles on one technique as opposed to having various segments of building and arrangement. This strategy was secures overhead purpose of investment and give the association advantage over its adversaries in regards to additional level out of pocket (concierge, 1983), in the mean while association watched tr ansforming sharp automobiles that were not esteem sensitive and offered the suitability of expected section cars (About GM: Our Company). China is the biggest car business and is a rising economy that develops consistently. It is likewise the second biggest business sector for GM as far as vehicle units sold. An early passage into China, well performing organizations and neighborhood Buick brand are the primary reasons why GM has a solid position in Chinas auto market. GM is the biggest auto maker in US and at present holds more than 18% piece of the overall industry. This is essentially because of broad learning of US market and its consumers. Gm’s Cadillac, GMC, Chevrolet and Buick are around the top rated brands in US and China and acquire more than 80% of all General Motors deals. Tesla has become a media and stock market hero as it created gorgeous cars the Roadster and Model S. GM is a good competitor as it pools its resources and invest them into much focused projects. Some of the advantages that GM has over Tesla are the scale which is important for high profitability in the automobile industry and GMâ⠂¬â„¢s technology development that is used in several of its models. Tesla has a tiny product lineup (About GM: Our Company). General Motors has performed well starting late, however with GM, there had been the negative stigma encompassing its biggest guru, which obviously is the administration. Consequently, while the legislature possessed such a huge stake, shares of GM remained less expensive than its associates, and the organization still does not pay a profit. The Treasury has been offering shares at a quick rate in the course of the most recent year, and on Dec. 9 it affirmed that its remaining 31.1 million shares had been sold. In this manner, GM is no more government possessed, and has given or takes $37 billion in liquidity that might be utilized for profits and to make different speculations. U.S. automakers blasted after WWII, yet the impending blast in this hot auto business will put that surge to disgrace! Buyers in creating nations are developing wealthier, so clever moguls can exploit this ideal chance with the assistance of this brand-new Motley Fool report that distinguishes two automakers to purchase for a surging remote business (About GM: Our Company). Bibliography (n.d.). Retrieved from Toyota: About GM: Our Company. (n.d.). Retrieved from gm: Competitive advantage the Toyota way. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ford Motor Company passes General Motors and Toyota. (n.d.). Retrieved March 28, 2014, from Ford Vs. Tesla Which Stock Should You Buy? (2013). Retrieved 2014, from NASDAQ: Our Company. (n.d.). Retrieved from ford: SWOT analysis of Ford. (n.d.). Retrieved from strategicmanagementinsight:

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The History Of Dell Laptops

The History Of Dell Laptops Laptop or we can say notebook, It is a Enhanced type of a computer system. It is based Mobile computer technology; Laptops are usually light in weight. The weight may vary according to the material and machines used in the Laptops. Laptops run as mobile system. Means we can charge notebook it contains battery system, from the view of working and processing, notebooks (laptops) work as same as desktop computers, but they are less powerful at the same price of desktop, Laptops are expensive than desktops. Because desktops use materials which are bigger in size and consumes more power, so laptops use smaller and optimized components and power consumption is also less than desktops. Laptops have LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and most of laptops use memory modules of different types for the place of Random Access Memory. Laptop has a inbuilt keyboard and device like mouse which is known as Touchpad which is used for moving cursor on the screen. Laptop companies:- Which was the first laptop company Answer of this question is still confusing because no one can answer the correct name. But now a day many laptops companies in Laptops markets. Following are the name of some popular laptop companies:- Apple Panasonic Dell HP Lenovo IBM Sony Samsung Toshiba Acer From the All above laptop companies Dell is known as top laptop company in U.K Laptop market. It is the highest laptop market shares and high share value.(evidenced ) Dell provides wide range of Apple is known for its Mac books and run only its Operating system. It is virus free and energy saver. The project titled NEW technology and the strategy of the U.K laptop market by comparing of the Dell and Compaq (Hewlett Packard) will help in understanding the UKs Laptop market and will analyse that which elements of both laptop companies marketing mix make contribution to the success of their products in market and help in Identifying that what type of strategy will be used to maintain and grow their share in the laptop market. Since this project will explore many things about the technology and ideas of laptop companies planning in growing sales. But mainly it will explore that how the appropriateness of strategies achieves their goals and will identify the successful and unsuccessful approaches in the marketing sales, and also will give idea about the customers mentality while purchasing the laptops, and this research will also give the idea about Laptop vendors and End-users, and by comparative study, this research will describe that how customers reacts to the changes in marke t?, and how the laptop technology has been changed in last few years? Earlier when I took this topic, I didnt know too much, but now when I completed, I am feeling comfortable because I chose very interesting topic. It gave me the idea about the thoughts of customers while they purchase laptop. 2. History of Laptop companies This project report will reveal information about two famous laptop companies, which are Dell and HP (Compaq). This section will provide information about history background of both laptop companies. Since these both companies have good market values and more latest technologies. 2.1 Dell Dell Laptop Company is not much older than other popular laptop companies, but it became popular and earned more market value in few years. Dell Company was formed by a person named Michael Dell. It is USAs computer hardware company and the headquarter of this company is in Texas. Currently this company manufactures, supports, and sells Desktop companies, data storage devices, PDAs, servers, laptops, network switches and Mobile phones and many more products related to technology. In 1996 Dell started selling computers via its website. In 1999 Dell overtook HP and became the Biggest Seller of Desktop computers. But it was known as PCs limited. So in 2003, in the yearly meeting of the company, all the stockholders approved the companys new name to Dell Inc In 2006, Dell was ranked as 25th largest company in the Fortune 500 list by Fortune magazine. Dell consistently improving its performance in market for last 15 years and providing better service than others. Firstly it was named PCs limited and its starting capital was 1000 American Dollar. Firstly it started selling IBM supported computers made from stock components. Then after one year, Dell invented its first computer which was called Turbo PC. Michael Dell believed that if we sell our product directly to the customers then our company could understand customers need bitterly so we can provide better and more effective solution of computers to meet customers need 2.1.1 History of Dell Laptops:- First series of Dell Laptop was released in 1989 and it was named 316LT. it had black and white screen and in 1991 , Dell introduced its first color screen laptops and its cost was nearly $4500- $5000. Since then, Dell is continuously improving its laptop performance and reliability as per customers demands and making it customer affordable. In 2006 Dell also started manufacturing AMD processor based laptops and computers. And in this company also purchased Alienware and released a series of laptops with the join name Dell Alienware. The Dell-XPS also, Dell released its many series of laptops. The other popular laptops series of Dell are:- Del-Inspiron Dell-Latitude Dell- Vostro Dell-Studio 2.1 Compaq/HP(Hewlett-Packard ) The Compaq/ HP is the one of the best Desktop and Laptop computer company, it is American company this company came in market in 1982 and later it was merged with HP and now became a brand name. Jim Harris, Bill Murto and Rod Canion formed this company and from starting, Compaq is producing IBM PC supported computers. 2.1.1 about HP Whenever we hear about Compaq, HP also comes in our mind and we think that these both are the same. But the reality is different, actually Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard was the students who formed HP. They were the students of Stanford University. In 2002 they merged with Compaq. Firstly they developed sound oscillators, and then they came in computer market. These days, HP is a common name in laptop and Desktop computer market. And the surveys show that HP tablet PC as well as Laptops are winning the trust and heart of the UK customers. 2.1.2 History of (Hp/Compaq) laptops The first laptop of Compaq Company was launched in 1983, it was a portable computer based on IBM PCs. All the software which was supported by IBM PC was also supported by Compaqs portable computers. In 1985, Compaq earned a turnover of half a billion dollars In 1986, Compaq launched its 16 bit computer which was based on Intel processors and had the frequency of 8 MHz and it pushed IBM back on the basis of performance and it became fast computer at that time. Till few years ago, Compaq was manufacturing products only related to the corporate world. But as the time passed, it came in retailer market and made a boom in computer and laptop market. In 2002, HP made an agreement and merged with Compaq for introducing themselves as the single-biggest entity in the computer industry. After this merge, HP pushed back Lenovo/IBM computer, Dell and other top companies. Compaq also invented Tablet PC notepad which has a pointing device just like pen, After the merging of HP and Compaq, some of the products got new name for example, Compaqs iPAQ PDAs were renamed by HP iPAQ , and logo of company became HPQ earlier which was CPQ of Compaq and HWP for HP. HP/Compaq laptops divided its laptops in some categories and manufactures and fixes cost according to their category. Like Versatile performance, mobility, Entertainment powerhouse, Special editions. HP is known as its Pavilion Series and other side Compaq was known as its Presario series of desktop and laptops. These all are categories has the customization option according to the users need and customers can customize them and get the best product according to their choice. The Technical changes in UK laptop market Changes in laptop technology in last 20 years. Change is the nature of world, every things changes with time, and after every change, it become better and more effective, just like the Laptops technologies are changing continuously as per the changes in time. As we all know that every technology no longer remains same, the change will be happen when people will want to move to the next and latest technologies with some better improvements then others. Continuously access to the new information and knowledge is provided by currently available technology and new growing technologies. Technology is changing for example, in first expensive and bulky PCs were developed, after that desktop computers came in market and then portable computers came in use, but throughout last 20 years, the laptop technology has been changed very rapidly, the changes in the laptop companies can be divided into four categories. These categories are as follows : Cost of the Laptops Storage capacity Processing speed Size and designs 3.1 Cost of the Laptops: In earlier time the cost of a laptop was nearly $2500, which was very expensive and an ordinary person cant afford this price of laptop but with the changes in time, laptops becoming cost effective and in current time, a student can also afford money for laptops and can do his usual school or college work via laptop. 3.2 Storage capacity: The storage capacity is also a point to be remembered while purchasing a laptop, because when a work is done on the laptop, then it require work to be saved somewhere on the laptop, and it requires storage place, in earlier time when the first portable computer was made , the it had only 32 MB Hard disk, but slowly-slowly storage capacity increased and 64 MB, 512 MB, 4 GB, 16 GB, 80 GB, 320 GB, 500 GB hard disk came in laptops and currently laptop with 500 GB Hard disk is much popular and widely used. 3.3 Processing Speed: When the first portable was launched, then it had a processor of only 8 MHz and at that time, IBM had processor with only 6 MHz, but with the time processor are also changed and speed and processing is increased, Intel Pentium III, Pentium IV, Dual core, Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, core i7 these all processor are introduced within last 20 years. Currently i7 is latest processor with the speed of 2.9 GHz. 3.4 Size and Design : With all above features of laptop, laptop is also improved at the view of size and Design, first portable computer was just like as typing machine and had only a little screen, but with the time, laptop improved and now become more attractive in design and more light in weight and small in size, and currently mini laptops are also used, which are called Net books Current laptops technologies in Dell In Todays time, many magazines appreciated the Dells laptop series and notbooks in U.K., in world, the first portable computer was made in 1981, and after few years, Dell launched its first laptop. 1989 In 1984, Dell started manufacturing his own laptop, and after 5 years in 1989, Dell launched its first laptop. It was named the 316LT. this notebook had a black white display 1991 In 1991, Dell launched its first laptop with a color screen and it was released at the Spring Comdex computer tradeshow in Las Vegas. And the price for this laptop was $4,500 1994 Dell launched its notebook first time with the lithium ion battery in this year. And this year, Dell broke every industry record for long battery life, and made the battery longer so with charging once, laptop can work easily for long time. 2000 In this Dell introduced Wi-Fi inbuilt in Laptops. And again Dell made a Boom in Laptop industry, Wi-Fi is a the name for products who allow access to a wireless local area network or wireless Internet connection. 2006 Dell added Blu-ray Disc technology to the laptop of its series, Dell latitude D series was announced. In this series. D-420, D-520, D-620, D-820 were came in market, Dell started selling its Inspiron Series globally 2006 to till Now In July 10, 2007, Dell launched its Vostro series , this was sold under the Home and small business lines, When Dell introduced vostro series, it retired its Dimension line. with vostro, Dell provided short er technical support time, if a customer want to get 24/7 technical support, then he has a option to purchase full support. Dell customers also got Express card expansion slot in vostro. After that, Dell introduced its best laptops models and series in market, Dell Studio, Dell Lattitude, Dell XPS, these latest models and technologies came with fastest processor options, HDMI ports, LED blacklit screens. eSATA ports, backlit Keyboard, variation in screen size of laptops, maximum products are available on Dell website for sale, many customizable colors, designs and features are available, dell also included a Face recognition and a finger print scanner system in some countries in the end 2009, Dell released Studio laptops with the a mobile Core i7 processor, but Dual core and core 2 duo options were also available, but they were categorized as lower level options, in 2010 Dell also introduced net books with extra improved features. How do Dell and Compaq sustain their position in market? Every company in the market have a position and always want to sustain its position in the market. For this, Every company uses some strategies and some process for making their sales better and remain top on the market. Dell and HPQ(Compaq) also follows some strategies and some process for growing their sales. Dell works on following strategies to sustain its position in market Direct Sales Partnership with Suppliers Research Development Customer Services Direct Sales : Direct sales means direct to customer. This is the best and most successful strategy of the Dell, this was followed for providing best product on effective cost. It was also called Eliminate the Middleman Strategy, Everyone knows that if a product is Sold directly to the end user, then it will reduce the cost of the product. Just like that Dell also sells its products direct to its customers. So that middleman will be eliminated and customer will get good quality product on company cost. Dell removed all the middleman retailers and started selling laptop directly to customers via Websites and other sources. Partnership with Suppliers : Dell planned to make combination with other suppliers, who sell Dell laptops. The Dell made partnership agreement with suppliers for the profit of both parties. Dell convinced them to Sell Dell laptops more and more with extreme priority. For that, Dell will provide them Dell laptops on low cost for Selling with Good Margin. When a supplier will get good margin on a laptop, then obviously he will focus on selling that particular product more and more. Dells this Strategy worked very effectively and got better results. Research and Development: The Dell always believed in selling laptops directly. Its Direct to Customer Strategy helped in getting much improvement and new Ideas of Development in technology. One of the reasons of Dell for being popular is the continuous and better development in Laptop Technology and product quality. Dell is consistently improving products and quality. The most important thing is that Dell always comes with a Product better than last one. So from last few years, Dell is winning heart of the customers specially students and professional persons. Dells research development department is very progressive and this strategy help a lot for being popular in Laptop industry. Customer Services: Dells customer services are Excellent and impressive. Dell provides 247 customer support. This Strategy helps Dell in making trust on customer about Service after sales. Because selling a product is not much harder but after selling, maintenance and providing support is very hard and important. Dell provides many types of customer services for improving company value. Dell provides technical support, Replacement of Defected product, online technical support, information about problems related to laptop. In early years Dell was moving backward because of its customer services. So after that companys chairman Michael Dell ordered to improve customers services and it helped in receiving Feedback from customers and it was a big help for Dell in improving product quality. HP(Compaq) works on following strategies to sustain its position in market Telling Stories approach Using Digital Media Opening doors a little Store to store strategy Telling Stories approach: Telling stories approach means transferring and giving message in a narrative or detailed way. This strategy generally follows the rule that Tell a story, what a customer want to hear means on what thing a customer believe, or what product and technology a customer want to buy, HPQs this approach help in making good relation with customers and made believe and develop relationship between customer and the Brand. This is most old and effective approach to make a laptop or companys brand efficient, effective and in touch. Using Digital Media: Using Digital Media approach has four different parts. Which are shown below:- First part is Partnering with MySpace, MySpace is a social networking site and HP made a partnership with this site to make a trust in customers about the brand and this strategy became successful in many aspects. The second part in this approach is contests on for creating videos and by this HPQ got good results. Many people took part in this contest and got prizes and came to know about the products of HP(Compaq). The third part is HP idea labs. In this HP made and strategy which helped in getting better ideas from customers about the improvement in brands and getting good results. Opening doors a Little : A laptop company uses its Developer teams mind and its thinking in developing laptops. The employees who work in the company always thinks and try to develop something better than current. But what will happen if a company gets ideas from the customers and use it for improving its product quality. HP started this approach for getting new ideas from the customers and it helped in using customers talent in designing new products and technologies. For example recently HP started a competition on MTV to Design new notebooks and give these designs to HP and get money and many more prizes. After starting of this show, many customers participated in the contest and did their best in designing notebook with new technology. By this competition, HP got many new ideas for manufacturing and improving its laptops. Store to store strategy : Store to store strategy is an approach for improving sales of laptops. Basically it is a mini island type store within a large retail outlet. This island store is independent, exclusive to its own products and laptops, atmosphere and associates. The main aim of this strategy is to provide customers with an experience and that experience will exceed the expectations of the customers. Since every company follow different type of strategies to sustain its position in the laptop market . Dell has its strategies related to customers needs and HP has company need related strategies. Dell considers that the laptop market in other area of world is same as US and UK. But HP thinks that every region in the world carries variability in laptop market. So it changes its target according to the location and region. HP follows the principle of Polycentrism. Whereas Dell follows the principle of ethnocentrism. How the customer responds to the changes in market? Whenever there happens a change in market, customer quickly responds to the market, it may be Positive respond or may be negative respond and the companies also get affected by these changes, because whenever a change happens, a customer thinks that there should be new thing or new technology in the market. And according to that change, customers responds to the market. Due to changes in Market Customer Require more efficient technology with effective cost. Customer will require product delivery in short time, Customer will move toward new technology, so that old product technology will be ignored. New offers and schemes will be available in market. Competition will be more and more. When there will be a change in market and new technology will be introduced, then customer will think that he should get best laptop on reasonable price. Then it will be more difficult for a laptop company to manage good quality product on low cost.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Free Essay on Homers Odyssey - Odysseus and Telemachus :: Homer Odyssey Essays

The Odyssey - Odysseus and Telemakhos At the beginning of the book Telemakhos is troubled with the suitors trying to marry his mother. He tries to keep them in line but they are rampant, especially when they're drunk. They kill Odysseus's herd for their own feedings and disrespect the house of Odysseus. So Telemakhos is obliged to search for his father because he is his last and only hope of keeping the suitors away. He is determined to search for his father and must find him at all costs. When Odysseus is stuck on the island of Kalypso, Athena had obliged him to leave the island in search of his home, Ithaka. She tells him of the memories he had there and he remembered how much he had longed for Ithaka. So he was determined to get home. Just like how Telemakhos was determined to find his father. They were destined by the gods to come together. In book 16, it talks about Telemakhos and his father talking to each other planning how they were going to take over the suitors. They talked and talked an d were happy to see each other. When Odysseus told Telemakhos that he wished to stay as a beggar for a little while and get used to the town before he attacks the suitors, Telemakhos didn't feel it was right. He knew that if he were to go into town he would be mocked by the suitors and antagonized by them. He may even be beaten. This shows that Telemakhos cares for Odysseus and his honor. But Odysseus knew that he must be a beggar until it is the right time. "Let your ribs cage up your springing heart, no matter what I suffer, no matter if they pull me by the heels or practice shots at me, to drive me out. Look on, hold down your anger." (16, 326) So Telemakhos had no choice but to agree. "Ah, father, even when danger comes I think you'll find courage in me. I am not scatterbrained." (16, 369) This may greatly affect his honor and maybe create hatred towards the suitors so he will be pumped up and ready to kill the suitors at any time.

Germany and its Economy Essay -- Economics

Germany and its Economy Known as the "fair" capital, Germany lies in the center of Europe and in the center of the European home market. Approximately two thirds of the top international fairs take place in Germany. Germany is successful. A leader in world trade, Germany is the third largest economy in the world and the biggest market in Europe. It wasn't always this way though; European power struggles wounded the country in two devastating World Wars in the first half of the 20th century and left the country dominated by the victorious Allied powers of the US, UK, France, and the Soviet Union in 1945. Germany has been through all of the phases of the business cycle many times. It even suffered immense depression after World War One in the early 20th century. The Treaty of Versailles dug a deep hole in Germany's economy because the Allies had gotten a little greedy with their revenge. Payments made by Germany to the Allies represented a drain of capital that would have otherwise been directed toward the growth of German industry. In order to pay its debts for World War I, Germany engaged in a huge "hyperinflation" of its currency, printing paper marks until, in 1923, when they became worthless. The destruction of the currency wiped out the people's savings, which meant that there would be very little capital available within the German economy for years to come. With Adolf Hitler rising to power in 1933, the German economy became increasingly socialized and militarized, passing through recovery to prosperity, which scared their foreign investors and made a healthy economic recovery nonexistent. Germany is referred to as a "social" market economy and remains a key member of Europe's economic, polit... ...Germany is doing well other than a few scarcities. Because they are the third leading economy in the world, they rank up there with the U.S.and France. Germany has a few shortages in labor and energy, but overall they succeed in exports and GDP growth. Germany is an economy not much different than our own. Besides both being defined as market economies, Germany and the U.S. also share the same periods of business cycle changes. They both experienced the Great Depression in the 1920's and '30s and are even witnessing a recession now. I would agree that an economy is just like a business. An economy goes through the same downfalls and good times just like a business, an economy experiences depressions, recessions, recoveries and prosperities and the goal of an economy is to have a surplus of money while supplying its citizens with needed goods and services.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Traditionnal Thai Wedding Essay -- essays research papers

People around the world have many different kinds of wedding due to the differences in their religions and cultures. Since most Thai people are the Buddhists, the traditional Thai wedding is mainly related to Buddhism. However, it is also blended with Thai culture and Thai people’s ways of life. Traditional Thai wedding can be organized in various ways depending on the local people’s beliefs. In this essay I will describe some details of the general traditional Thai wedding. First of all, the man who is going to be the groom and his parents or his respected elders must go to the bride’s house and ask the bride’s parents for permissions to marry their daughter. Then they will make a deal of how much money the groom has to give to the bride on their wedding day. After that they will go to a monk to ask for an appropriate wedding date. And when the date is arranged, the wedding will be prepared by the parents and relatives of both sides. On the morning of the wedding day, a procession of the groom and the relatives will bring the money, gifts, and food from the groom’s house to the bride's. They will play music and sing along though out the procession. Before the groom can get to the bride’s house, he has to cross two gates formed by the relatives of the bride called "Silver Gate" and "Gold Gate". The gates are on the way from the groom’s house to the bride’s. In order to open the gates, the groom mu... A Traditionnal Thai Wedding Essay -- essays research papers People around the world have many different kinds of wedding due to the differences in their religions and cultures. Since most Thai people are the Buddhists, the traditional Thai wedding is mainly related to Buddhism. However, it is also blended with Thai culture and Thai people’s ways of life. Traditional Thai wedding can be organized in various ways depending on the local people’s beliefs. In this essay I will describe some details of the general traditional Thai wedding. First of all, the man who is going to be the groom and his parents or his respected elders must go to the bride’s house and ask the bride’s parents for permissions to marry their daughter. Then they will make a deal of how much money the groom has to give to the bride on their wedding day. After that they will go to a monk to ask for an appropriate wedding date. And when the date is arranged, the wedding will be prepared by the parents and relatives of both sides. On the morning of the wedding day, a procession of the groom and the relatives will bring the money, gifts, and food from the groom’s house to the bride's. They will play music and sing along though out the procession. Before the groom can get to the bride’s house, he has to cross two gates formed by the relatives of the bride called "Silver Gate" and "Gold Gate". The gates are on the way from the groom’s house to the bride’s. In order to open the gates, the groom mu...