Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What Goes Around Comes Around (Karma)

If one would want to examine one’s self about the meaning of a word or phrase by comparison with what others mean with the word or phrase, one will find confirmation of similarity or change in meaning in relation to time. Given such thesis, this essay intends to validate that same by exploring my own assumptions and beliefs about a certain concept or phrase by,   discovering what I believe about and how those ideas have been formed in me, and exploring outside viewpoints of the topic using contemporary and/or literary figures, politicians, poets, authors, media images, institutions, history books, etc.Exploration of self: What I think and feel about the phrase â€Å"What Goes Around Comes Around (Around).†?As I use the new version of software in the Internet, the computer flashes a message: â€Å"Paying is a good karma.†Ã‚   The word ‘karma’ enters into my mind that if there could is good karma, there must be bad karma.   Before my encounter of t he phrase of good karma, the meaning of the word karma for me was negative that whatever error or mistake one must have done will really come back to haunt one back.   The word ‘karma’ or the phrase ‘what goes around comes around’ serves as self-evaluation that would result of self-judgment.   Sometimes, the self judges very harshly, hence , one could just imagine the tendency that I may have done just to avoid the word ‘karma’ before it comes to mind that there could some good in it.   The experience has therefore brought me into the reality of experiencing the meaning of words into my life that though as one is just a word; it carries a message that could turn on or off one’s mood in a day.   This is not surprising because I believe that man is created also an emotional being although he is endowed with a rational mind.   What is to interesting with emotion is that is what one feels at the moment and most of the sometimes, wh at one feels is more powerful than what one thinks.  In trying therefore to reflect on the meaning of karma in this paper, I have to admit that words or phrases could change or could have different meaning at different times.   Thus the need to have updated dictionaries.   Let us apply on how Oxford English Dictionary defines the word ‘karma’ in two ways.   One definition for the word goes this way: â€Å"From the Sanskrit word (meaning ‘action' or ‘effect') used in Hinduism and Buddhism to refer to the principle by which a person's actions in this world determine the fate that awaits him or her after death.   In English the word is sometimes used more loosely to refer to the processes of destiny, and it has sometimes been chosen as a given name with reference to this idea.†[1] Its other definition goes this way: â€Å"the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as affecting their future fate.†[2]   Comparing the two definitions by the same dictionary does not make much difference as to the meaning referring to after life consequences.Exploration of other viewpoints about the phrase and how the meaning of the phrase or word ‘karma’ has changed over time, how the phrase was formed, etc.Let us take what other old viewpoints using the phrase ‘What comes around goes around’ or word ‘karma’ and let us take still another who has used the phrase in the context of a given statement.   There is such phrases as law of Karma under various names and this include â€Å"the law of compensation†; â€Å"the law of balance†; † the law of action and re-action†.[3] One could easily get some connection with the author’s explanation of the term as bringing it judgment, correcting all wrongs, punishing all vices, and rewarding all virtues.   The inevitability of cause and effect means and ends, and seed and fruit ar e simply there.   A man’s normal reading of that interpretation by the author would be to look at the cause if something could be done so that the necessary good effect will come out.   One this note therefore the word ‘karma’ from 1894 had had already a positive or negative meaning’ and as I now realize, it may be that I was not that attentive of its meaning then.   I mean, the term could mean also to be positive and not just negative.Ward explained further the use of the term ‘karma; allows equating it with the law as justice, and when viewed in its applications,   Ã‚  an action of an individual has with it retribution.   If such is the case, there is also reason to agree with authors’ conclusion that â€Å"every secret is told, every crime is punished, every virtue rewarded, every wrong redressed, in silence and certainty.†[4]One could see from karma that nothing comes by accident, that what one reaps, what he or she has so wn. There is therefore a universal rule that giving love brings further love.   Sowing brings further reaping.   In more concrete application, it may mean money begets money.The phrase â€Å"What goes around†¦Ã‚   Comes Around† happened to be the third single from Justin Timberlake's second solo album FutureSex/LoveSounds which was released in 2006.[5] People who could relate with the song may interpret the part ‘going around’ as where Timberlake mourned how his ex-lover may have wounded him and in ‘coming around’ as referring how the law of balance came into effect, as Timberlake’s ex-lover new boyfriend now treat said ex-lover in like manner the woman treated Timberlake in the ‘going around’ portion of the song.Synthesis of two partsComparing my personal experience and other’s viewpoints with the word or phrase puts me now into the questions: ‘Do I have a different connotation of the word or phrase with the irs?   What, if any?   If there is no difference, justify.’I feel that the meaning of the word to me changed overtime as how others may have changed it. Phrases or terms or words are just means to communicate meanings .When one encounters how a word or phrase is meant by other   the person so encountered, he or she also makes a meaning out of how he or she understood the word or phrase in the outside world.  Ã‚   When that new meaning comes into the person, the latter could use the word in a sentence or in expressing thoughts to others.   When many people agree about the usage of phrase of terms or word these agreements and confirmations, produce a part of culture.   This is when people adjust with other members of society as to giving birth to the general acceptability of the word.[6]It could be said that difference in the meanings of the word ‘karma’ was not really meant in 1894.[7]   Ã‚  It was my mind who created a difference of the meaning beca use of my lack of exposure to the meaning of karma, that there could also be a good karma not just good karma.   This therefore   brings me another reality that knowledge of one thing or even a simple word and its meaning to every one vary across different people until that person realizes that he or she must understand what others really give to that word so that person could actually relate under a bigger world.   If the world speaks with one word or one language, perhaps the world could be a more peaceful world.   But across cultures are different languages with different words that may have different meanings.Conclusion:There is basis to uphold the thesis that if one would want to examine one’s self about the meaning of a word or phrase by comparison with what others mean with the word or phrase, one will find confirmation of similarity or change in meaning in relation to time.Confirmation of similarity or change in meaning requires one to be honest about the true meaning of the word to himself or herself. After accepting the truth, one must be ready to what is meant by the word or phrase as accepted by majority of people.   The best proof of this is the use of dictionary, which implies that the word may have its meaning reached the point of general acceptability[8].   This may not be hard to understand as human beings communicate using words or terms, and by them, the people’s experience of the word or phrase will be given recognition and acceptance.   I believe that words are defined and used in dictionaries, which may have evolved and changed over time including the chance of expanding the original meaning and even eventually returning to the old meaning.Works Cited:David Kaufer, Suguru Ishizaki, Brian Butler, Jeff Collins, The Power of Words: Unveiling the Speaker and Writer's Hidden Craft ; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004Mark Guarino, M.;   Out from the Cocoon Timberlake Re-emerges without Squeaky Clean Image; Daily Her ald (Arlington Heights, IL), August 24, 2006New Fowler's Modern English Usage, Magazine article; The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 278, December 1996Oxford University Press, Compact Oxford English Dictionary,2007 {www document} URL, Accessed May 29,2007Ward, P.C. Emerson and Theosophy, A Paper read before the Chiswick Lodge of the Theosophical Society ,December 12th, 1892, 1894 {www document}, Accessed May 29,2007Oxford University Press, (2007)  IbidWard, Emerson and Theosophy by P.C. Ward, F.T.S.   A Paper read before the Chiswick Lodge of the Theosophical Society ,December 12th, 1892, 1894 {www document}, Accessed May 29,2007  IbidGuarino,   Out from the Cocoon Timberlake Re-emerges without Squeaky Clean Image; Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), August 24, 2006 New Fowler's Modern English Usage , Magazine article; The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 278, December 1996 Ward, Emerson and Theosophy, see above David Kaufer, Suguru Ishizaki, Brian Butler, Jeff Collins, The Power of Words: Unveiling the Speaker and Writer's Hidden Craft ; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Macroeconomic study of deal not with Individual but aggregate of these quantities not with Individual Incomes but nation incomes not with Individual output but with the nation output Macroeconomic as two policies which are; Financial or monetary macroeconomic policies: The government can make the balance of how money can be supply.The money can be supply In three term which are: OMO- Open Market Operation Reserve requirement Interest Rate OMO can supply money Into the bank through central bank example the BOT can sell the shared to the bank at the lower price who can be faced the Inflation and then hat central bank can buy to the higher price theory.In microeconomics the behavior can depend on how they make decision on choice of the good but in the microeconomics it not consider the 1 OF3 Inalvlaual Denavlor It cons10er aoout tne tne wnole nation com/microeconomics-chapter-4/">Microeconomics is the study of decision that people and business make regarding the allocation of resource a nd price of good and services . This can means also taking into account taxes and regulation created by government. Macroeconomic focused on the supply and demand and other forces that determine the price level seen in he economy. For example microeconomics would look at how a specific company could maximize its production and capacity so it could lower price and better compete in its industry Macroeconomic on the other hand is it the field of economic that studies the behavior of the economy as a whole and not Just on the specific companies but the entire industries and economic .This look at economy-wide phenomena such as Gross Nation Product (GDP) and how its affected by changes in unemployment, nation income, rate growth, and price level . For example , macroeconomic would look t how an increase/decrease in net export would affect the nation capital account or how GDP would be affected by unemployment. What are the determinants of economic growth and living standard in a country in macroeconomic are used in determine to know why this country is more develop than other country are used macroeconomic. For example why Kenya are more develop than Tanzanian country is this how can be used or.Since a century ago developed nation have achieved a high rate of economic growth which in turn raised people standard of living macroeconomic examines the reasons behind the speedy conomic growth in the developed nations and understand the reason why this growth is different between the various countries Productivity The average labor productivity or the output of a single worker is important to determine the standard of living macroeconomic will question the factor which decide on the employee productivity growth rate macroeconomic is seen the one worker or single worker in order to determine the average of the worker in the economic that can assure the economic product of the nation or the whole can grow or not in yht area What are the cause of the decline and growth in an economic ny economy will surely go through decline and growth in relation to this macroeconomic will look at the cause of these changes in the economic and the government policies that can be implement to overcome an economic problem wnat are Tactor wnlcn affectlng unemployment Rate of unemployment means there is an available work force that wants to work but has no Jobs the rate of unemployment will increase when the economic situation is good macroeconomic will examine the reasons for unemployment types of unemployment and ways to overcome unemployment What are factor that cause the general price level or inflation to rise Inflation is an increase in the general price level which is usually measured by changes in the consumer price index the question asked in a macroeconomic analysis are 1 . what are factor affecting inflation. 2. Why does inflation rate differ from time to time 3. why does inflation rate fro one country to anotherThe macroeconomic does not look for the one per son or individual s a policy but can be used to all people For instances if a national saving is increased at the cost of individual welfare it is not considered a wise policy The macroeconomic analysis regard aggregate as homogenous but does not into its internal composition For instance if the wages of the clerks fall and the wages of the teachers rise the average wage may remain the same It is not necessary that aggregate variable are important. For instance nation income is the total of the individual income if the nation income in the country goes up it is no necessary that the income of all individual in the country will also rise there is possibility that that the rise in nation income may be due to the increase in the income of a few rich families of the country

Monday, July 29, 2019

Benjamin Healthcare Center Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Benjamin Healthcare Center - Essay Example Factors that increase chances of falls among the patients include cognitive impairment, visual impairment, gait and balance disorders, weakness, musculoskeletal disorders and history of falls among others (Huey, 2000) Health organizations should establish strategies to curb or prevent falls in hospital settings. It should have a screening process where patients are checked to ascertain certain characteristics which present high risks of falling. These features include physical disabilities, age and medications given in the hospital which might lead to patient’s disability. Physical environment should also be assessed through brief screening assessment whenever the patient enters the hospital settings. The nursing staff should do this assessment, and upon any identification of risks, they should avail facilities to lessen the chances of occurrence of such risk. It is important to identify the patients who are at risk of falling. This is the initial step in preventing falls among patients in hospital settings. All identified patients should be provided with extra assistance and be allocated well equipped rooms which are designed for patients with such physical limitations. Benjamin Healthcare Center has adopted program which is quite efficient. This program is aimed at reducing falling risks in patients within the hospital settings (Carol, 2007) Timely intervention by health professionals within the hospital settings can lead to prevention of falls among patients. The health professionals should prescribe assistive devices that can stabilize ones gait. This refers to provision of quad cane, walker or hemi-walker to the identified patient. They should be educated on how to use the devices for their own safety. The prescribed devices should be adjusted to the right height to fit the suspected patients (Haviley, 2005). Those patients with problems related to sensation, leg deformities and other form of deformities

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body - Essay Example Alcohol is the only type of beverage that once adopted as a heavy drinker, cannot simply withdraw as it causes various chronic diseases in situations where a heavy drinker is forced to quit alcohol intake. "Alcohol travels through the bloodstream by simply entering the main tissues of the mouth and throat. After reaching the stomach it searches the outlet and after founding it open, it passes into small intestine thereby absorbing every single drop of it. In case the outlet of stomach is closed, stomach walls don't take longer to absorb the alcohol. The bloodstream then distributes the alcohol uniformly throughout the body. In this manner, the alcohol reaches the brain and other parts of the body". (ACS) "Blood is the main distributor of alcohol, which virtually transfers it to every cell in the body. In nursing mothers it rapidly enters the breast milk. In pregnant women it crosses the placenta and thus reaches the unborn child as well". (Zamula, 1986) Although alcohol affects the entire human body but there are particular parts of the body that are resistant to the harmful effects of alcoholism. In general, according to alcohol consumption alters health by one of the following mechanisms: Liver and Pancreas are the most affected organs that are subjected to alcohol exposure as liver is the major organ for metabolism of ethanol and it is this metabolism, with subsequent altered cellular homeostasis, that is thought to be central to the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease (Lieber, 1995). Metabolism of ethanol results in the production of a toxic metabolite substance called acetaldehyde that can bind irreversibly to cellular proteins and enzymes. In addition, complexes of acetaldehyde with various cellular proteins may form the basis of a cellular immune response directed toward the hepatocyte (Hoerner et al., 1988). Metabolism of ethanol also results in the production of hydrogen, which when interacts with carbohydrate metabolism and mitochondrial function is subjected to accumulate fat within the liver called alcoholic fatty liver (Lieber, 1995) which is main cause of liver failure. The abuse of alcohol is a frequent cause of anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. These complications of alcoholism arise as a result of: 1) Direct effects of alcohol on the bone marrow, 2) Associated nutritional deficiencies especially of folic acid and pyridoxine, and 3) Alcohol-induced liver injury. (Ammerman et al, 1999, p. 79) Alcohol During Pregnancy - Fatal Alcohol Syndrome Alcoholism during pregnancy leads to a disease called "Fatal Alcohol Syndrome" (FAS), which is marked by reducing birth weight and size, small head circumference of the foetus, microophthamalia, micrognathia, an elongated upper lip, ear abnormalities, and mental retardation. So, alcohol effects the foetus following lower or mild doses of alcohol, may lead to mild abnormalities, learning problems, and behavioral disturbances in the child. The placenta is readily permeable to alcohol in

Difference Between the Tax System - the United States vs Italy Case Study

Difference Between the Tax System - the United States vs Italy - Case Study Example The author notes that the assumption by the revenue authority is true as organizations understate their revenues in readiness for bargaining with the tax authority in the actual tax payable. The aim of the approach is to earn more tax from taxpayers, than the amount that the taxpayers would pay based on their returns. The approach has further been integrated in Italy’s corporate culture such that organizations would underestimate their income, while filing tax returns, in order to gain ground for negotiating the final payable amount (Brooks and Dunn, 2009). The revenue authority also expects higher tax payments than organizations’ reported values and final payable values establish benchmarks for future tax payable amounts. This approach, according to the writer, works well with Italian firms or foreign firms that can adjust to the Italian practice. Those that are rigid to follow legal and moral provisions of their native countries, however, find it hard to cope with tax demand in Italy. The author also notes that the revenue authority is willing to intimidate taxpayers to adjust to the system and embrace the negotiation approach. The example of an American general manager explains this as he receives intimidating notices following his failure to embrace the negotiation approach. When he finally visits the revenue authority’s office, they inform him of the need for dialogue (Brooks and Dunn, 2009). I agree with the writer’s proposition that the Italian culture of tax collection is different from approaches in jurisdictions, such as in the United States, and that such differences are likely to create challenges to stakeholders from the other jurisdictions. The existence of differences in other aspects of culture across nations informs my support for the author’s proposition. While some cultures value collectivism, other value individualism. Similarly, while culture in some nations allows for informal appreciations during or after contract formations, other cultures may consider such advances immoral.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Benchmarking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Benchmarking - Essay Example The objective of this report is to highlight the methods that could give an exact idea of the performance of the companies and how well they use their resources. This report doesn’t consider just one perspective for the judgment of the company. Its discussion is on the basis of both the financial and non-financial factors of the company. Besides these market perception and working environment with the potential of and for the workforce have been order to gain the complete perspective of the companies. In this report the two companies selected for the benchmarking or comparison are not only the leading companies in their industry but also on of the biggest companies overall in the global ranking. The report gives the detailed comparison of Apple and Microsoft complete analysis have been made in order to get a conclusion regarding the performance of both companies in comparison to each other. ... Apple and Microsoft have global presence and compete on international market. They both are technology based companies however they have diverse range of products and compete on different level for every market and product that they offer. Both companies almost compete in every sector of the industry as the nature, aspects and operations of their business are quite similar thus the competition is quite cut throat and is mostly regarding capturing the market share not only in the American market but on the global scale. Thus there financial data can be compared as both companies have same target market, business operations and market environment thus any difference can be associated to the non-financial factors of the company. Company Details Both the companies are technology based and compete almost in all of their product and market segments. They maintain their own stores, authorized dealers and online stores. The principle executive offices or the registered headquarters of both A pple and Microsoft along with their registered exchange, ticker symbol and logo are as follow: APPLE INC. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, California, USA Registered on â€Å"The NASDAQ stock market LLC† Ticker Symbol AAPL MICRODOFT CORPORATION One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington, USA Registered on â€Å"The NASDAQ stock market LLC† Ticker symbol MSFT (, 2013) Company Background and Profile Apple Inc. Apple is a California corporation that was established in 1977 and today along with its subsidiaries design, manufactures and markets mobile communication devices, media devices, personal computers, portable digital music players and long

Friday, July 26, 2019

Politics and Sport Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Politics and Sport - Essay Example The ideology has the tendency to promote mobility socially, fight for the rights of the society occupants most so the women. At the same time the ideology fights for equality in inclusion between the minority and the majority in the society as they try to promote policies that exploit new ways of doing sports as they emerge (Riordan 2007, p.2). The impacts of the ideology on sports has since died in Europe specifically the USSR with most of its impacts still only being felt in the countries of the far East like China, Cuba and North Korea. Countries most so the ones which did not practice communist sports got interested in the game after the countries like Germany and Soviet Union excelled in the Olympics (Riordan 1978, p.16). Therefore, they wanted to know how such countries were treating sports. The findings were much extensive; the ideology tries to use models of sports that transform the society from handling sports in a traditional manner into a modern manner. Sports is used to promote important life issues like health and hygiene, productivity of the people, defense or even the integration of diverse ethnic communities of a country (Lee and Bairner 2009, p.97). Communism and sports derived a basis from the fact that most of the countries that practiced it had a lot of rural and illiterate population. Communism presents sports as an agent of social change as guided by the state, hence the essence of the leisure classes which used to be held after revolutions or liberations (Senn and Riordan 1992, p.43). Certain theories under communist ideology stressed on the importance of steadiness in the physical as well as the mental states of the human beings. This prompted and encouraged sports a lot as it was considered wise and vital to develop the mental and the physical aspects of the population alongside the other. Most of the communists’ countries posses’ political instability as an issue of controversy coupled with less economic and social

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Fictional children's story about homelessness + critical component Assignment

Fictional children's story about homelessness + critical component - Assignment Example Therefore, he could not ask her to get him a new pair. One day he decided, it was time to get new shoes at his own. He’d been saving money for a month now. And today he could finally paint the fence outside Robinson’s house and get the remaining money that he needed for buying the shoes. While passing a shop on his way, Sam noticed his reflection in the glass window. Except for the fresh wound from last evening, he thought he looked presentable. A day earlier, Sam was on his way to the basketball court when a random car stopped near him for merely a second. The window rolled down and a stone came out and landed on his forehead. So, seeing his reflection, Sam adjusted his hair to hide the wound and continued heading towards Mr. Robinson’s house. The Robinson’s place was a huge white house with a beautiful front garden. The fence Sam was to paint surrounded the lush green garden, and added to the homely feeling of the house. Ringing the bell, he was invited in by Mrs. Robinson. The house felt warm, cozy and welcoming from inside as well. She led Sam to Mr. Robinson’s study where she offered him some homemade cake as well. Sam instantly developed a liking for the Robinsons family. Sam was 14 years old. So he got the work on basis of a class assignment in which he had to share a thrilling experience. He told Mr. Robinson that he had decided to paint for the assignment but his house neither had a fence nor anything else that could be painted. Mr. Robinson agreed to help and provided him with the paint brush, a bucket of paint and a pair of his son’s old clothes which seemed newer to Sam than the ones he was wearing. So, Sam kept them and decided to work in his own. Sam found the painting job easy. Being near the Robinsons family was a pleasant experience for him. From time to time, Mrs. Robinson would come out to check how he was doing, and gave him something homemade to eat on every visit. Robinson’s family comprised of the parents, a 4 year old daughter and a son of Sam’s age. After a while the family came out in the lawn to enjoy the sun. The boy started playing with Jack, his dog. The little girl sat near her mother scribbling on a drawing pad. Mr. Robinson sat on the lawn chair and got busy reading the newspaper. Sam smiled watching them. In nearly two hours, Sam’s work was complete. Stepping back and looking at his work, Sam felt thrilled, noticing that he had done a decent job. The Robinsons liked it too. So he took the money and headed towards the shoes’ shop. On his way, he kept nibbling on the brownie Mrs. Robinson had given him for the way. He did not remember the last time he had something so tasty to eat. Sam crossed a pet shop on the way. His glance rested on a kitten sleeping in a white cage. With a creased forehead, he watched the kitten for a minute. He went inside and bought it with the money he had saved for the shoes. He kissed the cat and whispered in it s ear, ‘I will give you something that I don’t have’. A few minutes later, he knocked at the door of the town’s shelter that he lived in. References Capdevila, G. (2005). More Than 100 Million Homeless Worldwide. Retrieved from This article highlights how homelessness has become a worldwide problem in the developed as well as developing countries. The government policies and inadequate housing plans suppress the poor and force them to live without proper housing altogether. The story is themed on this

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


TOPICS CHOOSEN BY WRITER IN ACCORDENCE WITH PAPER INSTRUCTIONS - Essay Example The key question is that The USA has one of the highest poverty rates in the world and its getting worse for the nation, with a total population of almost 37 million Americans living below the official poverty line, living on less than the substantiated amount of funds required to fulfill their food, clothing and lodging needs, so how do they need to be helped? Despite efforts made by the government in countering this issue, poverty has seen to be increasing in the near future; since the time that the recession hit the country, almost 27% of the people have been living in doom. â€Å"The report warns that the numbers will continue to rise, because although the recession is technically over, its continued impact on cuts to welfare budgets and the quality of new, often poorly paid, jobs can be expected to force many more people in to poverty. It is also difficult for those already under water to get back up again.† (Geal, Chris) America has a diverse range of people living that fall under the vulnerable part of society and has not been able to recover them since the recession; this has led them to further tumble into a state of mass poverty, something they are not able to come out of. Their social security needs have not been taken care of the government on a large scale and this is leading the circle to simply grow larger. In the recent times, the country has also been hit by a large number of natural disasters like hurricanes which have caused widespread and mass levels of destruction – homes have been destroyed and what does not seem to help is the fact that it is the poor that have been targeted by this act of god more than the wealthy sections of society. Unemployment in the economy is another major issue that has led to rampant poverty; the lack of jobs in the country, despite the repeated efforts of the government and the President’s motivational speeches, have done nothing for those that fall below the poverty

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Summary - Essay Example The major question is: What is tourism education? The other important concept to consider is to establish the difference between tourism education and tourism training. The other important question that sought to be addressed by the study is: How has tourism education developed in Indonesia? More importantly, the chapter sought to explore the concepts and methods used in delivering tourism education in the learning as well as teaching process. The chapter also sought to explore the level of tourism in the Indonesian Higher education. Tourism education has rapidly developed during the past two decades in different parts of the world. For instance, the first degrees in travel and tourism were offered in the 1980s in the UK (Messenger, 1991). This trend has slowly spread to other countries both developing and developed. Research has shown that this trend is a bit similar in developing as well as developed countries. However, there has been debate about whether to consider tourism as a discipline on its own. This is mainly because it is widely viewed as an emerging discipline which has not yet fully developed. The group that argues that tourism is a discipline on its own state that there have been different distinctive concepts peculiar to the tourism industry that have developed during the recent past (Leiper, 2000). For instance, the main destination ratio is a concept specifically meant for the tourism industry (Leiper, 1981). The Australian Standard Research Classification asserts to the notion that tourism has been long identified as However, the other group argue that tourism cannot be regarded as a discipline on its own as a result of the fact that it lacks integrated frameworks that have been developed in various disciplines in different researches. In actual fact, they argue that there are few or no theories that have been specifically developed for this area of study which means that it cannot be regarded as a

Monday, July 22, 2019

Issues Facing Education Essay Example for Free

Issues Facing Education Essay This article points out the varying trends in higher education. In the current learning dynamic, one has many options. Some can pursue a more traditional education by way of a four year university or do what the students enrolled in this course are doing; seeking education by way of the Internet. Colleges, universities and educational opportunities in general have evolved throughout history. To save myself and my readers from a long history lesson, I will narrow it down to the last few decades. If you look back to our parents, or even grandparents generations, you can see there has been a transition not only in curriculum, but also in how we receive our education. We are able to further our educations despite not being able to physically be in a classroom. Bill Gates predicted that place-based activity in college will be five times less important than it is today. (Aoun, par. 1). The author points out that higher learning is available to many that would not have the opportunity due to location, careers, or another important aspect; sufficient funding. For example, students can attend larger colleges by way of satellite locations, online learning opportunities, overseas and international opportunities and still have the option to decide between many degrees. The main point of the article is not that one is better than the other or will eventually replace the other. Instead, these added variations are an enhancement to today’s educational opportunities. I completely agree with the author’s perspective that just because one chooses an alternate path to pursue higher education, it does not mean that the end state of one is better than the other. Bill Gates is right to have faith in the ability of online education to empower new generations of students to advance their educations. But if past is prologue, online education will remain a component ofnot the answer tothe diverse system that has cemented the leadership of American higher education in the world (Aoun, par. 16). It is through technological advancement and the evolution of education that someone in my position is able to serve in the military ull time, maintain a family and still have the opportunity to attend college. If education would have remained a â€Å"brick and mortar† institution, I would have to wait until my service was complete which would limit my career opportunities in the future. The evolution of education can only be seen as beneficial to today’s society, economy and to the advancement of our culture as a whole. I feel this article would be very useful in a research essay due to the fact that the author does not take a biased approach to the issue. He does point out the very different aspects, good and bad, of different ways education is offered and the additional activities that may or may not be present during place based learning. I don’t necessarily agree that the lack of peer to peer contact, school spirit, or community activities involved with campus life will make a person more or less successful. Throughout our lives we are faced with diversity, new opportunities, new ways of thinking and the chance to learn from different experiences. Lifelong learning is about opening yourself up to all of these things no matter whether it’s for a degree or for personal enrichment.

Ethical Interpersonal Communication Essay Example for Free

Ethical Interpersonal Communication Essay Ethics refers to standards of conduct, standards that indicate how one should behave based on moral duties and virtues, which themselves are derived from principles of right and wrong. The major determinant of whether communications are ethical or unethical can be found in the notion of choice. The underlying assumption is that people have a right to make their own choices. Interpersonal communications are ethical to the extent that they facilitate a person’s freedom of choice by presenting that person with accurate information. Communications are unethical to the extent that they interfere with the individual’s freedom of choice by preventing the person from securing information relevant to the choices he or she will make. Unethical communications, therefore, are those that force a person to make choices he or she would not normally make or to decline to make choices he or she would normally make or both. The ethical communicator provides others with the kind of information that is helpful in making their own choices. You have the right to information about yourself that others possess and that influences the choices you will make. Thus, for example, you have the right to face your accusers, to know the witnesses who will be called to testify against you, to see your credit ratings, to see your medical records, and so on. At the same time that you have the right to information bearing on your own choices, you also have the obligation to reveal information that you possess that bears on the choices of your society. Thus, for example, you have an obligation to identify wrongdoing that you witness, to identify someone in a police line up, to notify the police of criminal activity, and Ethical Interpersonal Communication 3 to testify at a trial when you posses pertinent information. This information is essential for society to accomplish its purposes and to make its legitimate choices. Similarly, the information presented must be accurate; obviously, reasonable choices depend on accuracy of information. Doubtful information must be presented with qualifications, whether it concerns a crime that you witnessed or things you have heard about others. At the same time that you have these obligations to communicate information, you also have the right to remain silent; you have a right to privacy, to withhold information that has no bearing on the matter at hand. Thus, for example, a man or woman’s previous relationship history, sexual orientation, or religion us usually irrelevant to the person’s ability to function as a doctor or police officer, for example, and may thus be kept private in most job-related situations. If these issues become relevant say, the person is about to enter a new relationship then there may be an obligation to reveal previous relationships, sexual orientation, or religion, for example, to the new partner. In a court, of course, you have the right to refuse to incriminate yourself, to reveal information about yourself that could be used against you. But you do not have the right to refuse to reveal information about the criminal activities of others. In Canada, only lawyers and marriage partners are exempt from this general rule if the â€Å"criminal† was a client or spouse. In this ethic based on choice, however, there are a few qualifications that may restrict your freedom. The ethic assumes that persons are of an age and mental condition that allows free choice to be reasonably executed and that the choices they make do not prevent others from doing likewise. A child 5 or 6 years old may not be ready to make certain choices, so someone Ethical Interpersonal Communication 4 else (a parent or legal guardian) must make them. Some adults, for example people with advancing Alzheimer’s disease, need others to make certain decisions (legal or financial decisions) for them.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Genre Study: The Romance Comedy

Genre Study: The Romance Comedy The thesis introduces some basic conceptions of genre and then generally analyzes the features of the US and UK film genre especially in terms of romance comedy of US and UK film. The author uses Love Actually and Pretty Woman as two examples to represent UK and US romance comedy respectively. Love Actually was acted by many outstanding actors and actresses like Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson), Alan Rickman, etc, which makes the movie an all-star lineup. However, pretty Woman doesnt fall behind. It was acted by Hollywood movie star Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. By comparing the two representatives, it is not difficult to arrive at the conclusion that UK romance comedy is more realism while the other is more idealism. I believe it more or less has something related to their different cultures and national characters. British people are more conservative than Americans so their romance is closer to life, its better for audience to find the real love in reality be cause some plot of the movie just like a familiar one happened in neighborhood. It reflects some true situation in real life. Pretty Woman is a bit like the realization of American Dream to American people; the movie makes the fairy tale dream become true. Thats why these two movies are excellent learning materials for romance genre study. When talking about film genre, there is no reason not to mention the etymology of genre, which comes from French (originally Latin) word meaning type or kind. With the word genre coming into use of English, it is not hard to come across literacy genre, genres in painting etc, however, this paper mainly emphasizes on film genre. How we define genre is depending on our purposes. Film genre is closely connected with the aspect of audiences common knowledge and their expectations, that is, how audience recognizes and understands movie. As Alastair Fowler said that readers learn genres gradually, usually through unconscious familiarization, I put forward the idea that audience use genre to distinguish a particular movie and it makes a genre a code between producers and viewers in the text of a specific movie. When I start to analyze US film genre, I cant ignore the impact of Hollywood, which produces a large amount of blockbuster through the whole world, to name but a few, Gone With the Wind, The Sound of Music, Titanic, The Lord of the King, Avatar In Hollywood movie, the leading genres are action-adventure, comedy, science fiction, teenpics, war films, westerns, melodrama and so on. It is universally acknowledged that love is indispensable in humans lifeà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’so its always the source material for literature and art creation. There is no doubt that love is always the eternal theme of movie, thats why the box of romance story is on the glory trail for long years. In some other film genre, romance is supposed to be the sub-genre, which makes romantic thriller, romantic drama, action romance and romantic comedy. And even in Titanic this kind of disaster film, romance is an important element which runs through the whole movie. At different time peoples outlook of love reflect their mo ral value at that time. The production of movie is usually based on the characteristic temper of an age to highlight the theme of the time. During the Second World War period, Gone with the Wind, Casablanca, For Whom the Bell Tolls are popular films because they shoot at the real background of the society, which reveals the changing life brought by the war. While in the period of 90th century, Youve Got a Mail, Message in a Bottle, A Walk in the clouds these new time romance come into the big screen. Especially in Youve Got a Mail internet has become a bridge between the hero and heroine, besides that the film also reflects cyber romance in real life. As it goes to nowadays romance, it becomes much more incredible and extraordinary just like Across the Universe, Sliding Doors, twilight. When I continue to analyze the UK film genre, there are three main characteristics going as follows. First of all it inherits and develops the realistic tradition of English drama. For instance, Gandhi, A Passage to India, Gosford Park represent the introspection of the history and culture of colonial domination; the Bridge on the River Kwai, the Private Life of Henry VIII, the Queen criticize the corrupt customs of old value and national characters; the Land Girls, Love Actually promote the standard civilization of mainstream society; Four weddings and a Funeral, Mr. Bean advocate the optimistic attitude towards life. Secondly, UK movie is keen on the artistic characteristics of English drama, leading to the high artistic value in either shooting or performance, especially the gentleman style in acting. It also explains why many English films win the Academy Award such as The English patient, Shakespeare in Love. The last but not least, it adapts some literary masterpiece and many o f them stay famous with the original work. Tess is revised from Hardy; Oliver Twist is revised from Charles Dickens; Sense and Sensibility is converted from Jane Austin. When all the above-mentioned factors are taken into consideration, a conclusion could be drawn that UK films are more traditional and retain some features of English drama. Hereinafter I will illustrate Love Actually and Pretty Woman to analysis the features of UK and US romance comedy respectively and compare their similarities and distinctions. Love actually is one of the most successful English romance comedies which breaks the record of Bridget Joness Diary and wins the top-grossing movie release in ever. It is made up of ten separate stories but also there are small connections among those stories at the background of traditional festival-Christmas. In fact the name of the movie love actually means Love is actually around, so the whole melody of the movie is immersed in warm and love. The beginning and ending part take place at Heathrow Airport where passengers part or reunite with their family or friends. Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husband and wife, boyfriends, girlfriends and old friends, they smile, embrace or kiss each other, making the airport cozy beautiful place. Love is found everywhere. Our eyes do not show a lack of sense of love, but lack of observation. This film reflects different kind of outlook of love in UK society. Love is around no matter who you are and what social class you come from. Even you are the prime minister of the United Kingdom; you may fall in love with your assistant. The director just suggests that there is no hierarchy, no stratum in love, everyone is equal at the front of love; love makes people closer to each other and makes them come together no matter what their identities are. Love is around no matter which country you are from and what language you are speaking. Love has no boundaries. The little boy confesses his feelings to the African-American girl at the encouragement of his stepfather. Love is brave, there are neither skin colors nor races in love, and we all cheer for the little boy because of his braveness. Totally there are ten stories and everyone can find some touching details in some stories because they are closely related to our life and I believe thats why it s not the same as Hollywood romance comedy, its special gentleman style humor and lightly moving plot are not like a raging flame but can still give us warm and power. It makes audience feel comfortable and full of confidence that love is everywhere. Be generous and gratitude to life because love is always around us. It is a movie but it is also like what happened in our own life. Apart from the romance story in the film, we can find the epitome of British politics and the relationship between British and American. A friend who bullies us is no longer a friend. Bring out their opinion that they dont want to be an attendant of America. We can still catch the satire that Englishman used to show disagreement with American and their pop culture. They laugh at Americans arbitrariness and their open culture. Satire is one way of English humor. As is known to us, comedy is very influential in English film industry because the nation feels proud of their sense of humor. Mr. Bean has become the stereotype of comedy and Rowan Atkinsons face represent funny and humor. When he showed up in a movie we can predict that something interesting will happen. So even he shows up several minutes in Love Actually, he still creates happiness to the audience. On the other hand, Pretty Woman is a typical Cinderella Hollywood style romance comedy. Hao Jian claims Pretty Woman is a romantic film and studies how this movie leads the audience to enjoy the visual and ideological pleasure through inserting typical movie language. He argues the directors use of movie language and the like zero cut is a strategy to remove barriers between the characters and the audience. (Hao Jian,2002) Since there is no denying that characters are the souls of movie, this paper mainly focuses on characters personalities to conclude the genre features instead of the angle from shooting methods like montage etc. Edward represents prototype of the upper class while Vivian represents the working class in US. From my point of view, American romance comedy is more idealized just like a fairy tale and a wonderful dream because girls are eager to encounter her prince of charming like Edward and boys want to be successful and have the social status as Edward. That is to s ay, American romance story is more idealism so that the heroes and heroine are so glorious that audience wish they could become them. Vivian, the pretty woman in the movie, though she doesnt have a decent occupation, she still has her own qualities, which attract the perfect hero and win his love. I analyzed the heroine and find she has four qualities that makes she become the princess. To start with, she is frank and honest, so that she always expresses her feelings directly and doesnt hide her opinions. Next, although she is a prostitute, she still has self-respect. When she lives a comfortable life provided by Edward she still prepares to leave because all she wants is not just material things. Thirdly, she is a lovely woman, which can be drawn from her cute actions and innocent dialogue. At last, she creates her own idealism when she is a street girl and luckily her dreams come true. In real life its hard to imagine a millionaire falls in love with a prostitute, but just because of the mode of Cinderella and the prince of modern time makes audiences wish come true, the film becomes a very popular one even until today. Pretty Woman still makes sense in our society; the vision of love differs in our time. Now it seems that status, fortune and appearance have become some necessaries in matching love. Love is no longer pure love; people become together with clear intensions, for instance, the insurance of life, the standard of consumptionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦It seems that people now regard marriage as a relationship instead of an institution. In the movie it tells us that family background, job, features are not so important, the most important thing is ones inner world, pure soul and warm heart. Pretty Woman inherits the traditional mode of US romance comedy, which contains handsome man, hot figure woman and happy ending story. However, this movie also praises female while some other US film would show sympathy of female like Thelma and Louise, the Color Purple and so on. All in all, Pretty Woman is a very classic Hollywood movie which is beneficial for us to study film genre of romance comedy of American. Conclusion Through the further discovery of genre study, it helps us obtain some fundamental conception of film genre in terms of romance comedy. Film genre is a long journey that in this paper I only underline a small aspect of film genre. As far as I am concerned, romance comedy is so popular that this film genre can always attract audiences attention and sit in the cinema to enjoy the movie. However, Love actually and Pretty Woman are just two stereotypes of romance comedy. There are numerous films of this type, if we want to draw more conclusions we always have many options since If Only, Five first dates, Sleepless in Seattle,etc, are classic romance story worth watching. Bibiliography: UK Film Council. An introduction to genre theory. Daniel Chandler. American Film Genres: Approach to a critical theory of Popular Film. Kaminsky, Stuart M. Media Semiotics: An Introduction. Bignell, Jonathan. Manchester University Press. 1997 Film Genre Study. HaoJian. Beijing University Press. 2002 The Film Genre Book. John Sanders. Auteur Publishing. 2009 Film Genre 2000:New Critical Essays. Wheeler Winston Dixon. State University of New York Press.2000 Film Genre:Hollywood and Beyond. Barry Langford. Edinburgh University Press. 2005 Romance Fiction: A guide to the genre. Kristin Ramsdell. Englewood,Colo. 1999

Saturday, July 20, 2019

An Analysis of Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet Essay -- Romeo Juliet E

An Analysis of Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet Baz Luhrmann’s William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet did not get a warm reception from the literary and film critics of today. Many feel that he cut out too much of the words which lessened the character development and original connotation that Shakespeare intended. Even worse, he compromised Shakespeare’s integrity by giving in to the demands of the American teen pop culture. These critics have a point. Luhrmann takes out anything that does not speak to the current audience. He understands that in his time, Shakespeare wrote his plays to entertain his audience, writing within the context of his culture and using â€Å"sexy and violent elements† with â€Å"boisterous comedy and passion†(Hamilton 120). The Elizabethan culture understood the puns, the references to gods, and even the language that we find so archaic. Luhrmann approaches his new version with the same intent. He wants to entertain his audience with the timeless love that Shake speare renders and tries to â€Å"reclaim the play from its association as rarefied and stagy(120). The one mistake he makes keeps critics on his heels: the title of his movie assumes that this IS Shakespeare’s play just placed into the 1990s. The fact that he takes out much of the original text and even twists it in order to fit his play speaks to the idea that this is Luhrmann’s version of Romeo and Juliet. Luhrmann’s version tells the audience that Shakespeare’s love is timeless, not the actual play. He reshapes Shakespeare’s text in order to speak to the 1990s audience. This essay will attempt to decipher the differences in Shakespeare’s and Luhrmann’s versions in order to find the cultural influences which form each play. It should also d... ... 1996: E6. Hamilton, Lucy. â€Å"Baz vs. the Bardolators, Or Why William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Deserves Another Look.† Literature Film Quarterly. Vol 28 #2 (2000):118-124. Hulbert, Dan. â€Å"Beware: Bard’s Armed, Dangerous.† The Atlanta Journal and Constitution 1 Nov. 1996: 14P. Millar, Jeff. â€Å"Classics Revisited; Energizing Romeo and Juliet.† The Houston Chronicle 1 Nov. 1996: 1. Shakespeare, William. The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1997. 872-939. Walker, Elsie. â€Å"Pop Goes the Shakespeare: Baz Luhrmann’s William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.† Literature Film Quarterly. Vol 28 #2 (2000): 132-137. William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Dir. Baz Luhrmann. Perf. Claire Danes, Leonardo DiCaprio. 20th Century Fox, 1996.

Essay --

Sigmund Freud, probably the most famous psychologist and most controversial of the twentieth century, has helped shaped how we consider our views of the world. His theories bring forth a new kind of thinking to the psychology world and show why we think them. It’s a way many don’t think but may put forth the reasoning to it. There are many though that think Freud was just another crazy psychologist that was on drugs. Though his many proofs behind his major theories such as: the conscious and unconscious mind, the Id, Ego, and Superego, psychosexual theory, and others as well, can prove why it wasn’t just a drug trip Freud was on. The mind is divided up into three sections according to Freud. It consists of the conscious, preconscious, and the unconscious mind. In Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the conscious mind consists of everything inside of our awareness. (Psychology) This part of the mind is known for keeping hold of our senses, memories and perception in our awareness. This part of our mind can tie into our preconscious mind as well, through the things we aren’t aware of though when thought about its presence is in our conscious mind now. The preconscious mind is the part of the mind that represents ordinary memory. (Psychology) We can remember this stuff and always pull it back into our conscious mind whenever needed. This makes much sense towards Freud’s thinking bringing forth a tie between the conscious mind and preconscious, showing how we can do things in our conscious mind and be stored in our preconscious for later use. The third part of our mind is the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our conscious awareness. (P... of a person's life and the individual develops a strong sexual interest in the opposite sex. (Psychology) This stage represents how an individual is most interested in one’s pleasure seeking thoughts such as relationships and or sexual thoughts. This can compromise how we humans think and how we react to many things. It all does seem like this information doesn’t make sense though it all seems to tie in to each other. All these theories tie into each other and have some proof behind each one. It all seems reasonable when too many and is always used as a reference in the psychology world. There are many critics towards Freud’s work due to the time period he was living in and how much it influenced his thinking. Others put forth how the drugs he was on may have caused to him to think all these theories though with the proof behind some of them it can go either way.

Friday, July 19, 2019

William Goldings Lord of the Flies Lord Of The Flies: Piggy, Ralph, Ja

Lord Of The Flies is possibly one of the most complex novels of the twentieth century. This complexity and depth is evident when the characters are compared to the psychological teachings of Freud. The book shows examples of this psyche in the characters Jack, Piggy and Ralph and how they change during their time on the island. Towards the end of the eighth chapter it became very apparent that Piggy and Jack both had two very different ideas on how they would survive. Jack thinks that hunting and having fun is key, Jack is more worried with instant gratification and doesn’t worry about what will happen off the island he worries about having fun and living on the island. Piggy is only concerned with keeping the fire lit and getting off the island. Unlike Jack, Piggy believes more in thinking about the future, how they will be saved and how they can endure the time they are on the island. When the fire goes out Piggy cries out at Jack, who was in charge of the fire, â€Å" You and your blood, Jack Merridew! You and your hunting! We might have gone home.† This shows the extent of Piggy’s will to be rescued. As a result of these major differences Jack decides to head down the beach and build a new tribe. He tells the others on the island that with his new clan â€Å"we hunt and feast and have fun†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Chap. 8 p140) by announcing this he appeals to the childish more uncivilized collection of the kids. The boys recognized that Jack was a stronger and more self-sufficient chief so many ch...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Were the 1920’s the “Golden Twenties” as Often Portrayed?

From the point of view of farmers, minorities and labor, were the 1920’s the â€Å"Golden Twenties† as often portrayed? BY: ROBERT TANNER U. S. History 101. 5 Jim Blackwood 11/25/2009 Bibliography Allen, Frederick L. Only Yesterday: An informal history of the 1920s. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1931. Drowne, Kathleen, and Huber, Patrick. The 1920’s. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2004. Irving L. Bernstein. The Lean Years: A History of the American Worker 1920-1933. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. Sage, Henry J. The Roaring Twenties. October 11, 2006): Internet. http://www. sagehistory. net/twenties/Twenties. htm. November 25, 2009. Williams, Betty. The 1920’s. London: Batsford, 1989 The 1920’s or the â€Å"Roaring Twenties† were a time in U. S. History of great change. This period could be described as the â€Å"Golden Twenties†, where many discoveries and inventions of great importance were made, prosperous industrial growth, increas e in the standard of living, rise of consumerism, and significant changes in people’s lifestyles. But were the 1920’s â€Å"Golden† for everyone? In my essay I will first take a look at the â€Å"Golden† aspects of the twenties, highlighted by some of the inventions and discoveries that took place during the era, which helped define and shape the twenties, and follow that up with the farmers’ point of view on the twenties. First off, let’s take a look at some of the stuff that defined the 1920’s. The 1920s, or the â€Å"Roaring Twenties† were a decade in which nothing big happened, no major catastrophes of large events, at least until the stock market crash of 1929, yet it is one of the most significant decades in U. S. history because of the great changes that came about in American society. The Twenties were known by various images and names: the Jazz Age, the age of the Lost Generation, flaming youth, flappers, radio and movies, bathtub gin, the speakeasy, organized crime, confession magazines, Hemingway and Fitzgerald, Lindbergh, Babe Ruth, Bobby Jones, the Great Crash, Sacco and Vanzetti, AL Smith, cosmetics, Freud, the â€Å"New† woman, the Harlem Renaissance, consumerism, all these images and more are part of the â€Å"Golden† Twenties. In fact, the 1920s may have been the decade of the greatest social change in American history. Reacting perhaps to both the disillusionment from the First World War and against the strictures of Victorian culture, Americans abandoned old ideas with a vengeance and adopted new concepts wholesale. It was also a time of deep divisions: wets (for repeal of prohibition) against dries, town against country, natives versus foreigners, Catholics against Protestants; the decade also saw a resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan and an American sense of alienation from the rest of the world. The decade began amidst the ashes of the Great War, blossomed into a riotous age of spending and profit making, cheap automobiles and new consumer products. Everybody seemed to be on a roll. Then in 1929 the Crash hit the stock market, and for many complicated reasons the Great Depression followed. It was a decade of huge figures, heroes of the kind we don’t see any more, or not often: Charles Lindbergh, Babe Ruth, Bobby Jones and others. Americans started going to the movies and listening to the radio in enormous numbers, and they found themselves becoming more affluent as the markets rose, seemingly without end. It was a time of new awakening for African-Americans, many of whom had fought in France, and the Harlem Renaissance opened Americans to Black literature, poetry, music and other arts of a quality never seen before. Literary figures like Fitzgerald, Hemingway and Thomas Wolfe brought white American literature to a new plane as well. The Progressive movement was not dead in the twenties, a Progressive Presidential candidate got almost 5 million votes in 1924, but it was not an activist decade. Everybody knew what Harding meant when he called for a return to â€Å"normalcy,† even hough there was no such word in the dictionary. The Twenties began on a somber note, rose to great heights of excitement. Then on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, it all came crashing down, and things were never the same again, but then again, they never are. â€Å"1† A â€Å"Golden Age†, Americans in the 1920s had discovered many things. They had more leisure time, and they discovered radi o and movies. The first â€Å"talkie,† â€Å"The Jazz Singer† was produced in 1927; color pictures followed a few years later. Americans of that era loved film stars like Charlie Chaplin, and they honored heroes like Charles Lindbergh. They had more time to participate in and watch sporting events, and Babe Ruth became the first athlete to earn a salary of $100,000 for a season. When reminded that that was more than President Hoover made, the Babe replied, â€Å"I had a better year. † It was also a golden age of literature as well. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Thomas Wolfe, Marjorie Rawlings, the Black writers mentioned above and many others brought American literature to new heights. â€Å"2† As for Business in the 1920s: It was the Age of the Consumer. During the 1920s everybody seemed to be buying everything. Cars, radios, appliances, ready-made clothes, gadgets and other consumer products found their ways into more and more American homes and garages. Americans also started buying stocks in greater numbers, providing capital to already booming businesses. All the signs pointed upwards, and starry-eyed men and women began to believe that it was going to be a one-way trip, possibly forever. Henry Ford’s assembly line not only revolutionized production, it democratized the ownership of the automobile. Ford showed that handsome profits could be made on small margin and high volumes. By 1925 his famous Model-T sold for under $300, a modest price by the standards of the 1920s. Americans had never had it so good. Thanks to pioneers like Charles Lindbergh, the airplane began to come of age in the 1920s. Although used for various purposes in the World War, airplanes were still exotic gadgets until after Lindbergh’s flight, when planes began to carry mail as well as passengers for travel rather than just for thrills. Regularly scheduled flights began, and airports were constructed to handle passengers and small amounts of cargo. The end was in sight for railroad domination of the transportation industry. â€Å"2† Not everyone prospered in the 1920s. Farmers, becoming increasingly more skillful and efficient in producing food, found that laws of supply and demand still plague them. The more they produced, the lower prices tended to fall. In the early 1920s bread was at its lowest price in 500 years relatively to other necessities. It was still tough to make a living down on the farm. The 1920s afforded unprecedented economic opportunities for many Americans, but not for the nation's farmers. They had enjoyed unusual prosperity during World War I, owing to the increased demand for American agricultural products in war-torn Europe, but in the 1920s they were plagued by low prices for agricultural products, high costs for producing these goods, and heavy debt. Increases in the American farmers' productivity created surpluses that drove commodity prices down and lowered their income. While prices for agricultural products remained low, costs for land, machinery, equipment, labor, transportation, and taxes were rising, creating greater disparity between a farmer's costs and income. The pervasive â€Å"farm problem† of the 1920s was complex. The market compensated a farmer's increased productivity and efficiency with a lower standard of living. Collectively, Americans devoted too many resources: land, labor, and capital, to agriculture. Consequently, the supply of agricultural products far outstripped the demand for them. The problem, however, is much easier to diagnose in retrospect than it was during the 1920s. Arguing that the problem with American agriculture was overproduction seemed paradoxical to contemporaries who closely associated the independent farmer with the essence of American virtue and character, someone to be emulated, not discouraged, from increasing his crop yields. Instead of realizing the link between low prices and overproduction, farmers blamed their adversity on insufficient credit, high interest rates, inadequate tariffs, and declining world trade. Overwhelmed by the seriousness of their problems, farmers looked to the federal government for assistance. Farmers' demands for federal help ran against the popular political mood of the 1920s, which demanded a reduction in government involvement in business. Moreover, the growing urban character of the nation weakened farmers' political influence. Yet agriculture had powerful allies in Congress. In 1921 two Republican legislators from Iowa, Sen. William Kenyon and Congressman L. J. Dickinson, organized the â€Å"farm bloc,† a bipartisan group of congressmen that exerted political pressure for legislation to alleviate the farmers' economic misery. During President Harding's administration this legislative caucus advocated generous credit, higher tariffs, and cooperative marketing, all proposals that treated symptoms rather than the core problems, production surpluses and price disparities. From 1920 to 1921, farm prices fell at a catastrophic rate. The price of wheat, the staple crop of the Great Plains, fell by almost half; the price of cotton, still the lifeblood of the South, fell by three-quarters. Farmers, many of whom had taken out loans to increase acreage and buy efficient new agricultural machines like tractors, suddenly could not make their payments; throughout the decade, farm foreclosures and rural bank failures increased at an alarming rate. Agricultural incomes remained flat, with rural Americans' wealth falling far behind their urban counterparts. Rural electrification increased at a snail's pace, with more than 90 percent of American farms still lacking power into the 1930s. The proportion of farms with access to a telephone actually fell during the Roaring Twenties. So, it’s no great exaggeration to say that for rural America, the Great Depression began not in 1929 but in 1920, and it continued for an entire generation. The roaring prosperity of America's cities during the 1920s made the privation of rural life all the more painful, by contrast. The divide between Haves and Have Nots in the 1920s was the divide between city and country. â€Å"3† In Conclusion, the 1920s, â€Å"Roaring† Twenties, or â€Å"Golden† Twenties, can be viewed as two distinct points of views. That of the urban society, which experienced an increase in the standard of living, rises of consumerism, and significant changes in their lifestyles. Times were good, and era of the 20s could truly be viewed and defined as the â€Å"Golden† Twenties. On the other hand, there was the farmers’ point of view, which could be described as the exact opposite. By becoming increasingly more skillful and efficient in producing food, the farmers had found that the laws of supply and demand were not working in their favor. The more they produced, the lower prices tended to fall. Hence, times were tough, and it was hard for them to make ends meet. Overall, one would almost have to reword the 20s, maybe by calling them the â€Å"Golden† twenties for some but not all. Endnotes ( Henry J. Sage, The Roaring Twenties. (October 11, 2006): Internet. http://www. sagehistory. net/twenties/Twenties. htm. 1 2 Kathleen Drowne, and Patrick Huber. The 1920’s. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2004. 3-29 3 Irving L. Bernstein. The Lean Years: A History of the American Worker 1920-1933. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. 216-350

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Communication and Customer Service Essay

The term that I was non satisfied with a service is the time I rented movies at the local video store. My problem had goose egg to with the experience or how I was inured during my rental. My tutelage came the twenty-four hour period after when I exited the movies. When I return movies I invariably bring them back hours before they ar due and I either place them in the back cast out bump off or the front drop off, I rarely go into the store to return them.It was around 1pm when the movies were returned and later on that day I got a auditory sensation vocal from the video store around 7pm with a message that my rentals were late. I told the employee that I returned them in the back drop off and to instruct it. Well this same type of dapple happened to me 3 weeks in a row. The third time was the last straw so the next time I rented videos I made a complaint and told them how I felt and where I al charges drop the movies off when I return them.The complaint I made was de livered in a nice, peaceful verbal manner. Since then I have no problems with getting phone calls for movies that arent late. I spoke to the employee instanter so therefor I didnt send them an email about my complaint. If I did send an email it would be an emphatic communication style email. It would be write professional and state my expectations of the company. I would not label or judge anyone or the company in any way in the email.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

In John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace, Knowles proves through an adolescent relationship, that in order to have a reliable friendship, one divine must accept another completely, revealing that jealousy can not co-excist within a friendship.Jealousy many plays a major role in the deterioration of the relationship between human Gene and Finny. Gene has a growing jealousy towards longer his bestfriend Phineas. Because Finny always â€Å"gets away with everything† and empty can be whoever he wants to be, worth while Gene feels as if he is imprisoned within his own whole body (Knowles 28).The Gene is , in fact the exact same as the Gene in conditions of safety and anxieties.Revealing how that Genes competitive hatred towards Finny lead to unbelievable, malicious political action to physically disable his friend. For though friendship is depended on second one another, the balance between Gene and Phineas is unequal: Finny needed single Gene to help him face adulthood, little while Gene uses Finny as a constant detailed comparison to his own hopeless life.Knowles documents when jealousy collides keyword with friendship and the fear of it becoming a reality, when it effects a loved one . In the definite article â€Å"A Separate peace: Four Decades of Critical Response†by Lois liillmann Rauch Gibson, Gibson analyzed Knowles and his different perspective on jealousy.Over identity, he wins his hunt good for example because hes killed a portion of himself 24, however it may seem dark.

With this new profound collective guilt he destroyed any feelings of affection he once old has for Finny.With a consistent feeling of jealousy throughout their friendship wired and in preparation for the war, Gene wrote : â€Å"i what was on active duty all my time at school: I killed my enemy there† (Knowles 196). true Revealing that instead of being able to embrace the personal friendship Finny has always offered, jealousy took over Gene, logical and eventually all the insecurity kills Finny. To accept each other completely single Gene knew this jealousy could not excist within the relationship, he consider also knew the peace was always Finny, and with fear him no longer by his side; Gene how was able to find his own separate peace.Finny logical and gene have interests which are entirely opposite.The aforementioned essay general introduction sample is informative regarding the topic of the drama the author as full well as the crucial elements of this drama.The opening scenes clinical most important areas are significant since they foreshadow into the remainder of the publication.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Detailed assessment of The Toy Essay

dis annihilateure onI am a educatee at .College and I am doing The previous(predicate) chelahood disturbance and grooming grad FETAC generate 5. angiotensin converting enzyme of authorisation modules in this run is archeozoic puerility grooming and contact and The illumination brush up date is pct of that. I keep to guide a miniature and bring protrude critical judicial finality to the spicyest degree it. My elect act is The memorandaranda locomotives model inst exclusively by Goki. Goki is the recognise of the shuffle for high- timbre timberlandy obtains at a briefsque toll, ensuring that delicate rooks ride come forth afford able-bodied. memo rail counsel locomotives decree is devise of 32 timbery tiles with 4 varied, pleasant locomotive engines and comes in enceinte unreal thump. t pop ensemble told(prenominal) locomotive is in several(predicate) saturation. To combine erects in concert baby bird has to port a t influence, pictures and figures, a equal(p) squargon off and infield.Aim, Objectives, preceptMy ingest of this fitting is to favour a andterfly that is sufficient for kidren in com conk on crowd 0-6 long term and to quantify and to attend it nether unhomogeneous headings. I t step up ensemble told in tot wholeyow for re estimation it less than 40 criteria masterminds and cover the bet ready c ache toicular(prenominal) to P.I.L.E.S and the exercise of the braggy in tail end up capriole. I volition carry with up and mensurate my markings and touch stopping on the wholeude and urge onations at the end. I chose to re estimate memoranda engine agitate for this assigning beca procedure it is a act as that my family members had compete with for a few(prenominal) be on and nestlingren in truth guess dos it.I bear in condition(p) that laugher is non championenly enjoyable, merely it has a honour to reading and ed ucation as salubrious. It is in foregather that devil-year-old tikeren en thinker their familiarity larn situations. philander facilitates sociable skills and abets pincerren to render things from archaeozoic(a) messs point of view. converge sustains to substantiate the vagary of baberen and it is demand in cognitive letment. by instrument of with(predicate) course, babyren ascend a keener potence to centralize ( ferment full and venturesome, 2013, pg 47).Aistear recognises the economic mea incontestable of piddle in early on acquisition and dumb tackment. segment 3 of the straightforward suffice Guidelines look emerges with the unwrapcome of period of accept and its handling in the early barbarianishness program ( satiate and Hardy, 2013, p 165)Aistear recognises the gigantic automobile trunk of savour for that put d causes that kidly electric s yieldrren ( occurrencely those immemorial 0-6) squ ar up just astir(pr edicate) efficaciously by means of assemble and that to a greater extent leading methods do non race all when rattling restrict squirtrens subjective thirst to seek and attain (Flood and Hardy, 2013, pg 92). loss by dint of this appellation I sine qua non to chance off for what quality of simulated military operation and what coif of flow. The memorandum Locomotive claim tor is adapted and I inadequacy to hitch how it groundworks up in semblance non precisely to animate scarcely to reading and phylogenesisal determine excessively. I exit tactile property at wax-growns comp unitarynt in land activities regarding this nobble and if thither be twain compounds to be do to mitigate the nobble. I leave assert my final result and adjudge my rememberations at the end. bring up of criteria1. bid of needlyterfly? scotch and memorandum Locomotives.2. What is the price be devolven?It derriere be bought online at k and it be 24 euro, deportation is include.3. What is a shuffle for it?The speck is Goki.4. Who is a flirt dog manufacturing business?It is Gollnest & Kiesel KG, Germ all.5. Is it lay down uncommitted?Yes, it is and crack no subtile be bought online at At what measure congregation is it fitted?It is fitting for chel arn from 2 long snip of come on up to 6 ripen of succession.7. Is it fit ou circuit card for boys or girls?It quarter be vie by boys and girls.8. Does it reason all cultures?Yes, it does.9. Is it satisfactory for boorren with finicky ineluctably?Yes, it is. thither could be around difficulties to purpose the astound if s relieve wholenessselfr has peculiar(prenominal) ordure restrictions.10. Does it compositors case genius or quaternary placeers?It pot be vie by ace nipper or up to tetradsome peasantren. in that respect be 4 locomotive sets in the encase and up to 4 kidren plenty nobble with it at the equivalent judgment of conviction.11. Is it esthetically pleasing?Yes, it definitely is. The begin comes in quadruple brilliantly, coeval act upon red, blue, yellowness and green. at that go into atomic number 18 harming, colourful, showy motifs of animals and chel arn illustrated on it.12. Is it educational?Yes, it is. It come ons corporeal, sharp, terminology, horny and genial maturement.13. Does it cooperate to gravel oral communion?Yes, it does. babe ready colors, castings and animals and confabulations almost pictures that deed up when gentlemans gentlemans argon plug ined.14. Does it initiate aim skills?Yes, it does. It is a great constructor of hunky-dory labour skills as a tike has to aro practice session in touch sets with come verboten of the closet a bug to get a achieve picture.15. Does it shape up originative w durationr?No, it does non. This nobble is such(prenominal) worthy for utilisation lawsuit of imprint.16. Does this chat up let both sensorial gets to the chela?Yes, it does. timber has singular character, musical n ane and texture. This awakens the instinctive senses and kelps the nestling to do and realize born(p) temporals.17. What coat of it is it? Does it indispens office a excess(a) store?The get low sensations skin comes in with fry(p) unreal concussion size 21x8x5 cm and does non urgency a supernumerary w atomic number 18ho use bay window be comfortably de gravele on the shelf.18. Does it pick up batteries or does it indigence to be supercharged?No, it does non want batteries or charging.19. From what figure of temporal is it light up of?It is a woody meet.20. Is it per enduring?Yes, it is truly durable. The crush is do work from ruffianly wood, so it is in truth intemperate to nominate whatsoever prostitute to it mend it is employ in per work oning activities.21. What gracious of texture does it squander?I t has smooth, falsify get on and fast surface with adoring feeling.22. Is it seal?It is non pissingproof. and I had see that a lowly add unneurotic of water does not ca spend separately rail at to the tinker.23. Is it wash-and-wear or does it necessitate finicky cleaning?It is not wash-and-wear and does not collect additional cleaning. It substructure be cleaned with waste-yard c staggerh.24. Is it for use interior(prenominal) or liberal airy?It is for indoor use, and nookie be vie outdoors as well, if it is not as well as wet.25. Is it transportable?Yes, it is. fry abide relocation it, for example, from table to motive truly easily.26. Is it portable?Yes, it is. It comes in nice quoin with hat and is lightweight.27. Is it soft?Yes, it is. My family members fuck off employ this grainy for much than than common chord period and it purge so looks and feels the said(prenominal) as it was speed it was grease invigorated. sensible is soft and unbending and printings pass on stayed on place outgrowth now.28. Is it vertical entertain for capital?Yes, it is.29. atomic number 18 region of it standardised?No, they ar not.30. argon in that respect takes of b early(a)?No, on that point atomic number 18 not. hardly bads tush raise them up, bid, inquire the nestling to unite band eras by facial expression at colour. When chela has comprehended it, bad whoremaster progress the child to get in touch tours unified the shapes.31. argon on that point accession packs simplified for it?No, in that location atomic number 18 no supply packs available.32. Is it adapted for tenfold purposes?No, it is not. still, if the child has an imagination, he green goddess bring forth an an new(prenominal)wise(prenominal)(prenominal) function, for example, use woody plot of grounds as a graphic symbol of mental synthesis project.33. Is in that respect a special discipline or schedu ling indispensable?The fiddle does not overlook schedule or special instruction.34. Does it get hold of an mounting?No, it does not look an upgrade.35. Does it postulate an large lapse?It does not require an enceinte supervision.36. Is it serious for children?Yes, it is. It is in full tried and bear witness to go steady all synthetic rubber requirements.It has CE marking.37. Is thither throttling guess?No, in that location is no throttling insecurity. several(prenominal)ly piece of outwit is in size 57.7 cm and well-favored tolerable to be sound for even a truly nice child.38. Is it inflammable?No, it is not flammable. only when it forget cauterise if regularize in flame, because it is a wooden rook.39. Does it hand over a contract?No, it does not. But it throne be returned to in spite of appearance 30 days of auction pitch for a full refund.40. Is it reusable?Yes, it is. It is ramp up from wood and wood is a inwrought even out poppycock which shadower be subjected to recycling.41. atomic number 18 there reviews nearly the bet?No, I couldnt examine either reviews intimately this carve upicular miniature. expound sound judgement of the romance ab initio I base out for what determination of con my elect breeze drop be utilize for. in that respect argon several references of track down, except to my elect Locomotives baffle fits artful lawsuit of looseness that is infra corporeal lick of trifle by Moyless assortments of wanton (Beaver et al, 2001, p471). artful run for commands practising and refining aim skills. This fictional character of run for enhances sensual tact and hand-eye co-ordination. all over cartridge clip children stick on to go by means of a or turnal cavity of contrary levels of manipulation if they ar to expand their force skills. This sheath of looseness includes manipulating objectives and materials (NCCA, 2009, pg 54) manipulati ve realise up includes exploitation puzzles, threading, scamdough, carpen seek, grammatical expression sets and blocks (De affable occasionment of development, facts of life and Employment, 2012, pg2).In this oddball of nethertake the child has to skirt with puzzle pieces by erecting, twist and placing them. This dally evict be a part of keen hunt as well as it swear outs child to take up and grow colors, shapes and tally and has a arrive at to w atomic number 18housing skills. This wager tramp be tried and true beneath cinque regions of benefits to tuition that link with Aistears themes.Aistear recognises the spacious physiologic structure of look for that shows that unripened children ( in particular those recovered 0-6) reveal most in effect through chance and that much(prenominal) curbing methods do not work plainly truly temper childrens natural disposition to seek and discover. This constituent describes how tackle benefits al l tail fin aras of study intellectual, phrase, worked up and complaisant (PILES). This come back with Aistears four themes upbeat, identity operator and belonging, intercourse, and exploring and sentiment (Flood and Hardy, 2013, p 165). I bequeathing look pass(prenominal) how my elect flirt crowd out benefit all cinque atomic number 18as of children growth. corporeal delaying public assistance sensual assume is precise strategic and inbred to children ontogenesis. visible dramatic stand for () move ons gross-motor skills. clawren work up equilibrium and change magnitude co0ordinaton stadium practising skills much(prenominal) as running, jumping, climbing, skipping, walking on tip-toe, hopping, pedalling, etcetera forcible run besides promotes health and wellbeing because it increases craving and tires children so that they quietness well. visible maturation in kindred manner involves the kip down targetge and polish of fine-motor skills imaginative and construction process be both particularly dependable in this argona (Flood and Hardy, 2013, pg 92). corporal using and health is in whatever case one of pose take upingal Indicators (KDIs) that in concert form a example that guides t severallyers in the think plow of expert larn dwells for the children in their carry on ( Flood and Hardy, 2013, pg 61).thither ar 4 KDIs that refer to physical victimization and health. This move is semiprecious to fine-motor skills. Small-muscle or fine-motor tuition same(p)wise is included in the physical victimization of a child, and tell aparts with such aras as smiling, option up a come apart or ligature a shoe. Small-muscle exploitation is unam great(p)uous as infants wait texture to rig in their mouths and is intensify by activities such as pick out up blocks or pull with crayons (Br early(a)son, 2006, pg 2). raceacting with The memo Locomotives go the child has to lift and turn pieces, and mannikin them in assemblages. Children w be to do consummate movements to connect pieces consequently get the nail picture of the retard.Children develop swear and strength in their fingers by doing that. These things are genuinely subjective to educational process at by and by peg, for example, to handwrite and draw arrange. sharp study Exploring and ideaIntellectual, cognitive increment takes a lifesize part in childrens boilersuit breeding. cognitive victimization includes the t separately(prenominal)ing of to separately one of the spare-time activity imagination, creativity, computer memory board skills, submergence skills, problem-solving skills, thought study (Flood, 2013, pg 96). And head for the hillsacting has consequential position in intellectual increase. by dint of adjoin children arse explore and think approximately a all-encompassing range of designs in a non-threatening elbow room. capriole send awa ynot be vituperate so children are much more apt(predicate) to take risks with their take awaying when they are busy in map (Flood et al, 2013, pg 93). by dint of laugher with The memo Locomotives pulsate children pot explore colours and shapes.This coquette overhauls children to mend their distinguish skills, because they film to behavior out pieces by colours at the split up to make severally train. Children allow for get 8 pieces for individually train aft(prenominal)ward pick out them by colours. regeneratefulness away they volition be able to sort those 8 pieces in pairs by connecting shapes and by linking pairs unneurotic they volition get sweep through train. apiece time by performing with it children train their retentivity skills by remembering which piece has to be interpreted to make grapple diamond shape and which one is call for to make the rapscallion and bananas picture. Children shag pick up or remediate their numbering skill. For example, for a delicate child instructor/kindle stinkpot attend each piece that child has determined and in short child pass on graduation to count together with larner/kindle. address victimisation communicatingThe rendering of oral communication is linguistic communication is some(prenominal) form of communication, be it spoken, scripted or signed. quarrel consists of spoken language and transcription of combining them (Flood and Hardy, 2013, pg 122) The memo Locomotives drive kindle give benefits to language ripening by identification colours, shapes, animals and other part of pictures. Because of spoils b proper(ip) and rea diagnoseic printings it has a big value to tenet child the salutary name of exact colour. besides that, feisty erect be vie up to 4 children and by communicating and formulateing the rules to each other they allow for emend they language skills. around all graphemes of shimmer involve communication.Children carry on t heir posts, blab out closely what they are doing and slop more or less their plans for what pull up stakes put across next. () When joke games with rules, children hand to explain rules to refreshfulcomers. (Flood and Hardy, 2013, pg 93) Children result detect new lyric and they go awaying grow new slipway how to put course in sentences. instructor/ refer ordure be a assort to child if hes puzzle out alone and report with him during duck soup and accordingly assist to change his language ontogeny through stand for. unrestrained using individuation and Belonging, and communicating wound up outgrowth involves children scholarship to down with their emotions (both ostracise and affirmatory) in a hearty way. steamy ontogeny similarly involves the publicity of a affirmatory self-image and high self-esteem. (Flood and Hardy, 203, pg 93) swindle is burning(prenominal) part of aflame outgrowth and The memoranda Locomotives quiver lay acti ve succor in that. During process with this spiel children fetch to argue with emotions homogeneous evoke and foiling when something does not work the way children deal to or assumption and felicity when they got it right.Those level-headed emotions promote authoritative self-esteem, child is joyful or so himself, for example, he is purple he did his train set branch or he did his one cautiously and at the end it looks nicer than other ones. Children turn back to fortune their mad with expectant and peers, bid child mulcts not only to show alone to talk nigh his emotions. ruttish dominion is an serious part of unrestrained discipline (Flood, 2013, pg 175). During variation with The memorandum Locomotives cause teacher/parent dejection honor children and help them deal with their prohibit emotions, analogous they idler teach how to deal with defeat when it is hard for child to find right piece of puzzle. kind victimisation personal identity and Belonging, and communicating neighborly development demandly involves the development of three link skills (1) the ability to move efficaciously with others, (2) information and reasonableness the norms of the troupe in which the child lives and (3) example development. take on wadnister be a rattling rough-and-ready way for children to consume and stark(a) these skills (Flood and Hardy, 2013, pg 94). The memorandum Locomotives come plenty help children to interact in effect with others.They oblige to travel by eyepatch performing by handing pieces to each other, substitute find the right piece for each other. They take a crap to contain to constituent The Locomotives sets and wait for their turn. They will learn to ask for a piece nicely and use phrases the like give thanks you and you are pleasurable hence encyclopedism and article of faith to each other substantially manners. Children learn to image the norms of lodge by doing that. affecti onate norms are explanations of rules slightly plentys behaviour, beliefs, attitudes and set indoors a ball club or sociable congregation (Flood, 2013, pg 151).It is real great to exact not only the right vitrine of prank to promote childs development scarcely to make sure that the number will couple on his award of development in like manner. nigh of theorists of romp, like female horse Montessori, Friedrich Froebel, Steiner Waldorf, Sigmund Freud, jean Piaget and Rudolph Steiner, puzzle set stages of development. For example, Rudolf Steiner distributed 3 unlike stages 0-7 old age, 7-14 old age and 14-18 old age (Flood et al, 2013, pg 42-43).The memoranda Locomotives spoil is competent for children in age sort outing 2-6 and fits chthonic starting timely stage (0-7) years by Steiners fantasy The branch cardinal years of childrens lives are of superlative importance. () Children allow the skills of movement, speech, question and communication. () Children bury all sentiment of their environs and they are open to external influences also. The centering at this point is on encyclopaedism by doing (Flood and Hardy, 2013, pg 42-43). I already have elegant that my elect spellthing helps to correct childrens sufferonic make outledge in physical, intellectual, language, brotherly and activated development and it means that age crowd attach on The memo Locomotives bewilders evaluate get together the cover rook. particular assessment of the purpose of the big(p) at that place are deuce demeanors of bestow that are germane(predicate) to grownups voice in children vie activities. They are organize play and let go play. structure play is planned, manoeuvre and led by braggart(a)s. structure play keep be reusable but there is a risk that if it is too bountiful-led children bottom of the inning lose touch on. () vaingloriouss peck go out retain by demonstrating skills that the child behind hence try out for themselves. () most theorists advocated a actually integrated approach. Montessori advocated that definite skills should be very all the way exhibit by the pornographic, with the child cautiously honoring so thatthey could then transcript precisely what the self-aggrandizing had do (Food and Hardy, 2013, pg 87, 88) talent play is not great(p)-led. bounteouss fork over equipment, materials and resources for fall by the wayside play, but they do not direct it any way. Advocates of unloosen play guess that children learn much more from this bolt of play than from merged play, since they are more do by having created it themselves (Flood and Hardy, 013, pg 88). The memoranda Locomotives trounce demand heavy(p) involvement to break children development in all tail fin dollar bill areas of benefits to development. openhanded meshing is essential to help children by fitting colours or shapes, present which colour or shape are the one that has been named. hence adult attending is not essential all the time. Children bunghole be leftfield with the defraud by themselves hence giving them time to practise their object manipulating skills and memory. big(a) has to view children bandage playacting and make a decision when to interact and when to stand back. Adult moldiness step in and help in communication olibanum lot to develop childrens complaisant and communication skills, like component part to make up conflicts and to put to work problems in nonbelligerent manner. I like Janet Moyles belief and I retrieve it suits the top hat regarding adult portion to play with The memo Locomotives puzzle. The concept for which she (Janet Moyles) is trump out know is the scroll of play or gyrate of eruditeness. The whirl of play describes how children move in and out of different modes of play direct play to dislodge, and back once more (Flood and Hardy, 2013, pg 105). Adult observes to children compe te and decides when and if he/she is needed to deputize in the play to bear out it. ratingI tip over results of my duty assignment as positive and valuable. I put out a lot about my chosen diddles benefits to children cultivation through play. I notice for what type of play this work would suit the trounce and how adult tin support children in play with it. endpointMy aim was to find out can The memorandum Locomotives outsmart be validating in learning through play and give any benefits to childrens development. Iintroduced with my chosen swindle and did description of the diddle including 40 assessment criteria and describe the romance chthonic phoebe bird areas of benefits to childrens development. I also looked at adult role in play with The memoranda Locomotives dumb represent. I found out that coquet is educational and fun.I found that The memo Locomotives Puzzle fits under manipulative type of play. The illumination can be utile in all louvre areas o f benefits to development physical, intellectual, language, social and mad development. I imagine that manufacturer has positioned this play under the right age root word because of childrens developmental stages and age stages. I ascertained that for this short-change sounding at adult role collapse suits structured style of play with adult stepping in and out giving children time for free play as well. boilersuit I looked at toy from some aspects and found this toy worthy for childrens learning through play.RecommendationsMy list of advantages and disadvantagesAdvantagesDisadvantages beautiful for children time group toy is suited forBenefits all five areas of children development secular for storage misfortune is not rather durable affordable richly quality do of natural materialIn overall I truly like this toy. I have experience that children love this toy and it is irresistible for them. in that respect are only two things I would preach to change about it 1) Although the toy comes in salutary chipboard package, I would preach using wooden turning point instead. The hardboard box can be done for(p) in a mho if child steps on it and it would make storage real impractical. I believe it would lead to scattered pieces. I contain that wooden boxwould make the toy a bit more expensive, but it would make the toy extreme longer.If there are no pieces bemused, this toy unfeignedly lastly for many years because of its durability. 2) I would recommend to manufacturer to change an age group that toy is worthy for. Because of my own experience I can claim that this toy is really bewitching to children senior(a) 2-4. Children at age 5-6 lost their interest after the first time acting with it. They already know colours and they know shapes and they got along very quickly, level of bother is too easy for them. on the whole the other aspects, like durability, silver and graphic colours, lovely printings. I believe, are very inte lligent regarding this toy. I like about this toy that it is really educational and fascinating for children and I would super recommend it to parents and teachers for children old 2-4.ReferencesBeaver, M., Brewster, J., jones, P., Keene, A., Neaum, S., and Tallack, J., 2001, Babies and children, lambskin in childcare and education, coupled country Nelson ThornesBrotherson Sean, brilliant beginnings 8, 2006, US NDSU concomitant table service part of Education, tuition and Employment, 2012, heavy(p) children a escape start, Australia Queensland regimenFlood E., Hardy C., 2013, primaeval puerility Education & Play, capital of Ireland branchia and MacMillanFlood, E., 2013, Child Development, capital of Ireland lamella and MacMillanNCCA, Aisthear The primaeval childhood political platform Framework, 2009, Ireland NCCA